Later today, the Senate Judiciary Committee will hear Senate Bill 1705 to enhance Arizona’s existing firearm preemption law that helps ensure a consistent and uniform legal framework throughout the state. Please use the Request to Speak application (RTS) on the Arizona State Legislature website to ask the Senate Judiciary Committee to SUPPORT Senate Bill 1705.
SB 1705 allows a court to assess a $5,000 civil penalty against a government official or agency head who knowingly and willfully violates state firearm preemption laws and would also prevent public money from being used to defend or reimburse this unlawful conduct. Firearms preemption statutes reserve for the state legislature the ability to regulate firearms in an effort to create consistency statewide and avoid a patchwork of local ordinances. The Arizona Legislature enacted the state firearms preemption law in 2000, which has been modified and strengthened over the years. SB 1705 will help ensure Arizonan’s Second Amendment rights are not infringed by government officials acting in violation to this existing law.
Please stay tuned to www.nraila.org and your email inbox for further updates.
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