Did I find the best gun cleaning kit on the market? This kit has just about everything you would need to clean a pistol or rifle. Come check out the Tipton Ultra Cleaning Kit and decide if this is the best kit on the market.
Just bring your favorite solvent (Hoppes is still mine), oil (been loving the Extreme Duty Gun oil from Lucas) or CLP (playing with CLP from Lucas) and get to work cleaning your favorite firearm be it either a pistol or rifle.
You can get the 3D print from my article at
#tipton #guncleaning #cleaningkit #tiptonclean #hoppes @TheRogueBanshee
Video Index:
Intro – 0:00
Cleaning Rod – 0:40
Tipton RAPID – 1:21
Tipton RAPID for AR15 – 3:12
Tipton RAPID Tips – 4:37
Tipton RAPID Design Flaw – 5:19
Tipton Chamber Brushes – 7:49
Tipton Jags and Brushes – 8:06
Tipton Jags and Brushes (an annoyance) – 8:26
Tipton Nylon Brushes and Picks – 11:31
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Credit: Jason Schaller
The products (videos, articles, pictures. etc.) available through The Rogue Banshee (including gear, tools, products, etc. that are featured, seen or used) are for informational and entertainment purposes only. All activities are completed in accordance with all local, state and federal regulations, as well as in a safe manner in approved locations with professional supervision.
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I would like info on purchasing the 3d printed ar10 adapter..
So what are those little brass knurled funnels in the kit for? Never mind, I found where they are muzzle guides.
Good little kit. I prefer working from the center outward.
What do you hunt in the spring !
Also to be an Ultra there was no cotton pads or cleaning fluid
Picky, picky, picky. Stop complaining.
Hiya good video sir I have a .22 cz452 left hand I don’t think the bore guide will fit as the boat is only a half bolt 2:37
Don’t like stainless steel rods ! Only brass down rifle barrels, cable the safest way not to mess up ur accuracy
Which 3D printer do you use?
Good Morning The Rogue Banshee
I do not have a 3D printer nor do I have access to one. I would like to know could you manufacturer one of these AR-10 adapters for me. I would be more than happy to pay you for the product, your time and shipping and handling.

Don't think i will be putting a non covered rod in any bore.
Nice kit. Now to make a kit so you can clean a grand or 1022 from the breach end easily.
I like it! Good bit of kit there.
I've been kicking around getting 1 of these for awhile
What do you think about having a cleaning kit that does just about everything? Let's hear what gear you are running in your kit down below!
Thanks for the review. Seems like some over-thinking going on there. I keep my cleaning gear in a plastic tool box. A little bigger but I have what a need and what I have works fine.