We wanted to show you a video why we like the MonsterMan Grip more than the FRS stock for our featureless California build or your “don’t have to register” New York build.
I like the MonsterMan Grip because I can use the magazine release much easier with my short fingers and with an ambi-selector, I can actually put the gun on safe with my shooting hand. I also like that it will fit with any fixed stock and you can also use it with your own fixed collapsible stock.
I don’t like the FRS because my finger can’t reach the magazine release without changing my grip, sometimes the back of the receiver digs into my hand, and I cannot use the selector very easily. I can also use my existing stock which reduces cost tremendously.
We have plenty of MonsterMan Grips in stock. Please check out our website at taftguns dot com.
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Not everyone is cut out to be a YouTuber or give gun reviews.
Does the monster grip. Have to be used with an a2 stock only??? Or will it work with let's say a magpul stock MOE
old video but will add my 2 cents. I live in ca and have bought and tried everything but the FRS Untill about 2 weeks ago now i own 2 of them. The Monster, Exile Hammerhead and all the others are no way as comfortable to use as the FSR. I added a Ambi safety Talon and a Odin works extended mag release to mine and make it even better. FSR is expensive compared to the rest but i spent just as mush or more on the other ones and wasted my money on them not one even comes close the the FSR for comfort and easy of use. Hope i can save someone some money buy posting this.
When holding a rifle, You need to have a good grip on the weapon with the trigger hand. The Thordsen frs-15 stock allows you to get a good grip on the rifle and it's a standard grip used with all traditional hunting rifles. Why would you want to use a system that doesn't allow you to use your thumb. You are forcing yourself to be crippled. Anyways, To each his own! One last comment, You did goof up on the first reload which had nothing to do with the Thordsen stock. Just sayin.
How much stock in the company of MonsterMan do you own? I tried both grips, when I was in the States, and the FRS-15, was far superior……obviously, it's all subjective!!!
So, you had an ambi safety on the monsterman rifle? If so, lame review! The rifles should be identical, except for the stock.
I'll probably do one one each but it really makes a fairer comparison when you can actually find your magazine rather than rooting around in your pocket. Not a great comparison video.
i got a idea. how about fuck this whole law and dont comply. seriously this is the stupidest shit ever to make a rifle look like this. m1a here i come
of course he wont move his hand 1/2"… he can barely pick up his beer from his belly. lol
I tried the monsterman grip but didn't care for not being able to wrap my thumb around the grip. I also tried the AR Maglock as a substitute for the bullet button, which will be banned soon too. Too many steps just to drop a mag.
The FRS gave me no trouble reaching the mag release. Flipping from safe to fire was easy without a change in grip. I did need to change grip to re-engage the safety, but that is not a big deal. Short of moving out of this political shit hole known as the Peoples Republik of Kommifornia, the FRS is the least objectionable way for me to follow a bullshit law.
Screw California
Nope, FRS stock for me. Fits how I learned to shoot. Red ryder bb gun when I was a kid, shotgun (non pistol grip) when I was old enough, bolt action rifle…. Thordsen just flat out is better for me. MM grip, hammer head and like grips dont offer proper support of the rifle. Sure it's pricier, but function is priceless IMO.
I am less scared of that gun now.
I had a fingrip(monstergrip) on my AK,,,,I hated it so much I made an Frs. Typestock for my AK….the monster grip is just dangerous,,,try carrying your rifle with trigger hand only.your gonna drop rifle. I guess it has its place just not on my rifles
not selling it because you dont like it lol your loss. not good business practice
this was a very biased video. you did prove anything other than the fact that you favored one more than the other. it wasn't even a legit fair comparison. smh lol.
I got to laugh at you people hating on the frs stock,,you will move your hands all over to use the monster grip but if you move 1/2 inch for frs stock you call it garbage….use what you like ,don't bash on other options
No way around it – have to go featureless in Kalifornia if you don't want to register your AR as an "assault weapon' for 2017/2018. MMGrip is the best alternative out there instead of a pistol grip. I have an FRS stock. Its OK but all things considered, the MMGrip w/ an A2 stock is easier to handle.
He had to use his shoulder to whip it, to control it. The FRS stock is way better.
This is a mmg promotion. Not a unbiased review.
I would think an ambi safety would solve half the complaint about the FRS and he dropped the mag without issue using it despite what he said initially. That Monster Grip sleeve looks really awkward with your thumb flopping around on the wrong side of the rifle. I'm leaning toward the FRS for my M4 and the ARmaglock for my A2 comp rifle to avoid registration here in California.
You must sell monster grip,,,because the frs stock,,,I own ,,is far superior….don't hate because your hands are small,I can reach everything just fine
why don't you use the same set up like the ambisecter on the frs? your review in not unbiased. bad review man.
The FRS stock looks ugly. I have a U-15 stock on one of my ARs, however I just ordered a MMG and an A2 stock for a second build and it will be a "featureless" AR.
no birdcage in NY!!
We shot our MMG equipped AR15 at the 5 Dogs Winter Classic for a 19th out of 55 places finish in the Tactical division and 29th out of 77 over all. Not bad for not having shot a match in a long, long time. The MMG Grip works. If the California Legislature gets their way, it won't matter for long anyway since all semi-automatics we be illegal and you can just put your regular grip back on once you register your assault weapon. Be sure to join FPC and fight these bills today!
0:29, You have very small hands. lol
Too Funny,,,Ambi Safety!!!!
lol you complained that with the FRS you couldn't reach the selector with your thumb
With the MonsterMan you could?
I’m not seeing a problem with bias here.
I’d expect someone to sell the item they can stand behind.
His problem with the FRS is purely subjective. He doesn’t make up problems about quality with the FRS or anything like that.
He discloses that he sells one and not the other. Not like he made this video without mentioning he has a shop.
I think we’re seeing less of a problem with bias here than we are butt hurt that someone doesn’t love the same gun part they love.
So basically this was an advertisement AND a biased review. Nice job!
I just found this on a bing search and decided to log in to youtube to post about how blatantly biases you are in this video. Looks to me like I'm late to the party.
Personal preference obviously plays a big deal in one's choice here. For me, I much prefer a grip that allows my thumb to cross over the center plane to the other side which affords an actual grip (such as provided by the FRS) rather than a simple hold (as required when using the MMG). Also, your mention of the restricted use of the Safety Selector with the FRS is really no different (and in fact is worse) with the MMG, and the solution for both (as you've shown with your MMG build) is to install an ambi selector.
Opinions definitely vary, but I would never purchase a grip that I cannot get my thumb around, because it makes it too difficult to hold one-handed. You clearly were pushing back against your shoulder during the mag change with the MMG, whereas the FRS allows much more control with just your hand. This means, that you're also less likely to drop it when clearing a malfunction.
As for the mag release and selector switch, it is well known that an ambi (or just RHS) selector works better with the FRS, too. As others have said, it's unfair that you made the change on one and then faulted the other for you not having done it. With the mag release, personally, the tip of my trigger finger reaches it without changing my hand position on the FRS very easily. My hands aren't huge, but they also aren't small. If they were, then I would consider an ambi mag release, too.
What an unequal comparison, you should use same accessories like the ambi-selector. On the other hand I didnt see you had any complications ejecting the magazine with the FRS. Another thing I notice is that you didnt miss any shot with FRS, and with the MMG you did.
It's obvious you moved your selector to the opposite side. If your going to do a fair review don't be biased.