Dear New Mexico NRA Member:
The New Mexico Legislature will convene on Tuesday, January 21, for its 60-day regular legislative session. Gun control advocates and their supporters in the Roundhouse have already prefiled a number of restrictive measures, including House Bill 12, an expansion of the state’s red flag firearms surrender law, and House Bill 38, a ban on so-called “machine gun conversion devices.”
House Bill 12 by Rep. Joy Garratt (D-ABQ) allows law enforcement officers to bypass the need for a “reporting party” and go straight to filing a petition for an extreme risk protective order based on information collected by the officers — allowing them to be the sole source and mechanism by which an order is issued. The bill also requires immediate surrender of firearms upon service of an ERPO, with criminal penalties for failure to comply. This law tramples on civil liberties and lacks due process; it should be repealed, not expanded!
House Bill 38 by Rep. Kathleen Cates (D-Corrales) is a poorly-written bill which creates felony penalties for the possession of attachments or devices that do not convert semi-automatic rifles, pistols and shotguns into fully automatic firearms. The bill also has no exceptions for legally-possessed, National Firearms Act-compliant parts or firearms.
Contact information for the 2025 New Mexico Legislature has not yet been updated on www.nmlegis.gov. NRA-ILA will update you when that becomes available, so that you can call and email state lawmakers in opposition to these gun control bills and other anti-Second Amendment measures sure to be introduced in the near future!
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