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Good comparison video, Thank You!

I bought a "pistol" because i wanted a small rifle.
every gun owners owns both my main rifle is lwrc 16in and my home defense is rattler 300blk 8in pistol
Caliber matters. IMO, if using 5.56 go long. If using short, use .300blk
While we're on the subject of AR15's, is the CMMG Resolute MK4 recommended or is it better to spend the extra on BCM? Wanting to get one in 5.56 (probably 14.5 or 16") for training and one in 300BLK (around 9") for a truck gun
I would have both
Which do you recommend for home defense and shooting at the range
Ahh the pistol….
My 10.5" AR pistol is my favorite. I pretty much never shoot more than 200 yards anyways. In my state can't get SBRs so AR pistols are the only way to get shorty ARs anyways.
I suppose one day I'd do a 13.9" P&W for a do-it-all rifle.
Don’t forget about the warrantless inspection of NFA items.
I recommend both also 300blk pistol and the 556 is a sharpshooters dream
Whenever u see a pro 2A guy explaining the difference between a rifle and a "pistol" (pcc) there's a lot winks and smirks, especially when talking about braces..
12.5 is considered a firearm I thought and not a rifle or a pistol?
I have a 10.5” pinned and welded suppressor shroud. So my Mock SBR doesn’t need permission to leave my state . Omaha Ne right on the border of Iowa
That wml on Jason's AR is aids
So I’ve seen guys take a magpul vertical grip and cut it at a angle to just skirt the lines of legalization even more lol
Pistol brace forever, it isn’t that much better than a stock, and lastly
I'm not sure you're allowed to shoulder that pistol on camera, Kai…?
If you guys show how to properly fly with a firearm since I'm sure you're flying for shot show help us noobs
Just a note, you CANNOT turn an AR-15 that was purchased as a RIFLE into a pistol by putting a pistol upper on it. You can turn a pistol into a rifle though. So if you want one lower with many uppers, buy a pistol or just a lower receiver. If you buy a "rifle" it stays a rifle.
Is there a legal reason why the AR pistol can only have an angled foregrip? I mean you "could" add a foregrip to a pisol right?
Kia is a know nothing mumble mouth. Definitely shouldn’t be teaching anyone about firearms. No qualifications whatsoever im sorry but facts
Great intro explanation, thanks guys! I’ve been doing lots of research into these laws lately. Is it true you can’t purchase a rifle and make it into a pistol with a shorter barrel/brace without filling out a form? Any help is appreciated, thanks!
If I have a sbr 11.5 and put and brace instead of stock will that be considered a pistol
11.5 w/ 2 stamps is my fav. I don’t think there is a better home defense setup than a Suppressed 11.5 SBR.
That 16” appears to be somewhat overgassed, 1-2 o’clock ejection.
in terms of future upgrades. if you get the pistol, you can always change the barrel to longer or shorter lengths. including making it a rifle. but if you buy a rifle, you can't easily add a shorter barrel without committing a felony.
What's an internal microphone look like?
New word of the day, “per sé”
With a folder on that "pistol " im thinking your length of pull measured from the triger to the braces max position is more then 13.5in
Are you sure you didnt accidentally create an SBR?
Both have their strengths depending on the situation, but as a gun enthusiast, I think it's all about picking the right tool for your specific needs.
AR-15 pistol?? Looks more like an AR-15 Buntline!! SNICKER!
A pistol must be 26" or less from buffer tube to end of barrel or handguard whichever is longer.
ohhh man I need it both !!!
He did the John wick mag flick
What happened to clint?
Is the pistol version any louder?
They sounded about the same in the video…
this is the "bread and butter" stuff I love! This is just cool "enthusiast" info. Im sure most of us know this, but it just seems like an informed, united front to support our 2nd Amendment.
The main 2 reasons I keep my "Shorty" a pistol is one crossing state lines without asking permission. Two, in my state, I cannot conceal carry a rifle, but my CCW can carry an AR pistol locked and loaded in my pack.
A pistol with an SBA4 or SBA5 brace… LOL we all know that is almost like a stock, but im not as huge fan of the SBA3 brace
We need to do away with the NFA barrel restrictions.SBRs are fun,everyone should be able to get one easily if they so choose.
Hey! Just letting you know know I’m enjoying the money my bank took back from y’all after selling unsafe products!