Home AR-15 How To Setup Your “Go-To” AR-15 Carbine

How To Setup Your “Go-To” AR-15 Carbine


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  1. Nice video, glad you three enjoy your builds. But honestly, I wouldn’t use any of your rifles. All of them are just not set up correctly to me. And of course that is subject to the user. I can only go off my experience, and I found those do not work very well for 60% of the things I would consider

  2. Isn't the only time field of few matters, is when your magnifier is up? Seems like a small issue to me considering your gonna flip your magnifier up at around a hounded yards, and if it's a 3x at the distance you would have more then enough FOV to do what you need to.

  3. i get that you guys have access to better guns for cheaper, possibly… but what is a price breakdown. and then get real with it… .from a practical standpoint, of an every day person, that does not have or want to spend 3-5k on a gun. what would your go to be if you had 1500 max to spend.

  4. mines a lwrc m6ic piston giessele trigger cloud rien 2.0 vortex razor hd gen 2-E my other is a bcm with smith enterprise chrome bcg with JP enhanced bolt giessele trigger cloud rien 2.0 uh gen 2 and 3x magnifier no supressors not allowed in cali unfortunately

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