Find the best AR-15, AR-10, and AR-9 rifles, pistols, and parts at Bearcreekarsenal.com!
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Find the best AR-15, AR-10, and AR-9 rifles, pistols, and parts at Bearcreekarsenal.com!
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Can dry firing cause damage to the firing pin of the Mossberg Maverick 88 pump action? Or cheap Turkish pump actions?
I used to live in Billings. I miss Montana.
Absolutely love BCA I Have the 308 upper and is SWEET!
Way better than psa in my opinion absolutely love you guys and your tips and firearms
Awesome company,I have multiple uppers but do have a question,
Has anyone had an issue with the7.62×39,breaking the firing pin and also extractor arm on the bcg???
Just got my ar-15 in .300 blackout just an amazing piece of equipment
If a person doesn't know these things they shouldn't handle a firearm.
DONT DRY FIRE OLD GUNS that is something that cannot be stressed enough, even if it is a center fire, old guns can be made of lesser steel or just be old, and when some guns break they are impossible to get part for.
When I think of cheap, decent quality uppers I don't even think of PSA. Bear Creeks got my back
I guess palmetto it is
Except if you live in Illinois!!! We have the injunction and still won’t ship. How much business have you lost that won’t come back?
got a bear creek AR for $400, and you get what you pay for, spend an extra 100 and go to palmetto state armory
For $15 I rather buy a pack of snapcaps
Have a m2 scout 22/410 couldn’t figure out why the 22lr wouldn’t go into the chamber, realized it may be from dry firing, grinded down a part of the 22 chamber and bam worked and fires mint
My 9mm upper broke its firing pin while dry firing and I never got a reply from customer support. So no, I dont think it covered it “no matter what”
The only rimfire gun that I have found that you absolutely CAN dry fire is the Taurus TX22. They(Taurus) have said that it is designed to safely dry fire.
Cap about that warranty. Wouldn’t even give me a Glock barrel after mine was stolen in shipping.
Great company too work,good people. congratulations
I have had some issues with BCA "customer service". And it took two RMA warranty trips to sort out a .223 wylde (would jam the round into the lands and pull the bullet off the case IF you could even get the BCG to come back. It required dismantling to push the bullet out.) THAT SAID. AFTER the last return I have fired 200 or so rounds through it without failures. I ALSO have a 16-iinch right side charger in 7.62×39 and a 20-inch 5.56 NATO CHF that are serviceable and get realistic shot groups.
Love my Bear Creek Arsenal AR-15. A great value in budget AR’s.
My side charging bolt from you guys broke apart. I didn’t realize you guys had a warranty for stuff like that!
What about striker??