Home AR-15 Quick Tip: Setting Up Offset Sights on Your AR-15

Quick Tip: Setting Up Offset Sights on Your AR-15


Offset sights are becoming more and more popular with AR-15 fans. Brownells Gun Tech™ @CalebSavant is here to give us some tips on setting them up. Offset sights are used as backup sights or for addressing targets that are too close for your main optic. They are typically mounted on your rifle next to your main optic at an angle, usually 45 degrees – “in an offset plane” is the technical term. To switch from using your scope to the offset sights, you simply tilt the rifle. Mini Smyth Buster Bonus: Some folks claim you cannot maintain a cheekweld on the stock when using offset sights. Caleb shows us that is not true!

Offset sights can be either old-school backup “iron” sights or a red dot sight (aka reflex sight). A red dot sight is easier to use and much faster to acquire….. but iron sights are more economical. A red dot presents only one “snag hazard,” while iron sights present TWO. To achieve the best-possible accuracy with iron sights, mount them with the longest possible sight radius. On an AR-15, you have to position the rear sight so it won’t interfere with operation of the charging handle. Caleb also has some tips on where to mount a red dot. Hint: put it a little farther forward to help your eye focus when you transition to it.

Want to learn more? Check out our earlier Smyth Busters episode, “Offset Sights – Tactical or ‘Tacticool’?”

NOTE: Products in this video are to be used only for lawful purposes, including hunting, self-defense, and competitive or recreational shooting. If you purchase any of them, you are responsible for understanding and complying with all federal, state, and local laws that apply to the purchase, possession, and use of these products.

Check out the SmythBuster on the topic here-

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  1. Just sayin', the Fab defense buttstock (minus that absurd cheek riser) works so well with the transition from using my LPVO, to 45 degree fixed irons. (I hate flippers)
    The rounded shape of the buttplate really makes a world of difference in fast, comfortable transitioning and fire. I would absolutely rather use an offset red dot… but astigmatism, and all that. Ya know?

  2. Haha I've got a real goofy setup: red dot and magnifier, but since they need to sit back and i only have enough pic rail for the two of them and a little more, my rear backup sight is on top of the rail in front of the red dot XD

  3. I did not realize you can use half picatinny and half m lok hole for a mount wow i guess no adapter is needed thankns for video or maybe you do have a 45 degree adapter and i didnt notice.

  4. Dude! You're missing the point for using a BUIS or BUS. When all the fancy shit fails or breaks, the Iron Sight will save your ass. It's not about using another gadget with battery and shit, isn't that right? SMFH! 🤣🤣😂😂

  5. What solutions are available to offset the scope for a right hand shooter who is left eye dominant? I lost vision in my right eye. Is there a mount to shift the scope to the left eyed position?

  6. great contents guys, I'm looking into your italian website, if I'd like to attach an offset 45 degress Burris Fastfire II into my AR15, what attachment I need to buy??? Tahnsk a lot

  7. I have the romeo-juliet red dot mounted as my main optic.
    Im definitely going with iron flip up sights for the 45 angle back up.
    What if everything goes to crap in the US amd u cant get batteries for your red dots? Good ole iron sights dont require batteries.
    Food for thought…

  8. I just got my first AR with aspirations of casually getting into 3 gun. I want to get a holo or red dot along with iron sights that cowitness.
    With that theoretical set up, would it benefit me to have a canted set of irons / red dot or is that redundant?

  9. I have a grendel with 6×24 &offset irons I haven't used it on game but I find it easy to get hits on steel out to 100 I love the setup mine are non folding so always ready .I don't see how folding or red dot could be as good cause mine are forever ready

  10. Question on which is the preferred side for offset sights. In Calebs examples right hand set-up is on right, left hand set-up is on left. In both scenarios trigger hand rotates to the top-side.
    Any Cons to placing offset sights opposite side of dominate hand, so the trigger hand rotates under?

  11. I disagree w the red dot. Iron sights w ghost rings are fast and accurate from 0-50 yards. Large aperture ring w single post is so easy to lock-in. Metal 45 degree offsets are very accurate and hold zero just fine. A longer scope can be your primary optic, like a 4-18x, which will be plenty for AR10 in 308.

  12. I have a set on my bear hunting AR it is side charging so no issue with the charging handle and it is so smooth to transition to them from the scope and then back . I took it up and was alternating shots at the same moving ground target around 25 yards and I was shocked at how easy it is to switch I had all was heard that thay are useless. Thanks for the vid

  13. I have offset iron sights, absolutely love them. I used a 45 rail on the fore end with a bipod to zero. Use a no cant bipod. You should talk about that and how not exactly holding the 45 upon shooting will effect your windage. Honestly iron or red dot doesn’t really matter to me, I’m only using the secondary sight within a 100 yards.

  14. Just trying to figure out if I wanna go with a RDS and Magnifier or an LPVO for my primary optic…. Even though it's a 13.9 I will mainly be shooting 100 and in.
    .. but even with a RDS you can get hits to 300 easily with the right zero…… That's why I really like the idea of an LPVO and offset RDS….. Just affording it is the thing lol

  15. How important is it to level your offset sights? You know, like you did the video on how important it is to level your scope. Is it possible to offset your offsets enough to automatically compensate for coriolis?

  16. What if you have a fixed carry handle upper. Can you effectively mount a red dot on a quality quad rail. Should you get and mounted angles back. Why does no one ever talked about this and I guess the answer is just change your upper dumb a s s

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