Home StreamLight Antimatter Micro Wing for TLR-7 sub #shorts #antimatter #streamlight #p365xl

Antimatter Micro Wing for TLR-7 sub #shorts #antimatter #streamlight #p365xl

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  1. Duuude I need this.. also love the black and grey setup. I have a very similar setup, except I don't have the Wilson grip, I've got a grey ndz laser etched triweave grip, triweave mag baseplates, and backplate, and then stainless threaded barrel, stainless roll pin, and I'm considering getting a stainless trigger. But now I also need one of these gas pedals!

    I've always really liked the more minimalist look for the most part too though like this. It's very minimal, but also very sleek, and sexy. I think. I told myself I was only going to customize one gun. But I think I may have to get the XMacro, and do something more like this.

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