Home AR-15 How Does It Work: Direct Gas Impingement

How Does It Work: Direct Gas Impingement


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  1. How much gas assistance was there? When I fired the Australian SLR rifle it didn’t feel like much, as the recoil was a lot more than I was expecting.
    Right or wrong, I expected gas assistance to cut down the amount of recoil.

  2. There is a swedish gun and its Egyptian Hakim knockoff that are also gas impingement in operation. Both the gas impingement and the AR with cylinder/piston in the bolt carrier group suffer from defecating where they eat. Means gases are blown into the action making it a dirtier gun.

  3. You can clearly see how Eugene Stoner was inspired by this system when designing the ar-10. However (and no surprise) Ian is right .the ar-10/15 gas systems are internal long stroke gas piston systems. Delayed impingement,internal long stroke gas piston. The delay comes from that pressurizing of the bolt carriers gas chamber . It prevents the rifles from "slamming" open by giving a fraction of a second to build up pressure, the bokt carrier slowly (in gun operation time ) move backwards as it pressurizes .this time unlocks the bolt ,which also adds resistance. Right when the bullet exits the muzzle, and bore pressure drops off significantly the carrier has finally pressurised to it's full 2000 psi ,the bolt unlocks fully and the full speed rearward travel starts and the feed cycle begins. The piston itself is basically the stem of the bolt as it seals the pressure chamber with its gas rings allowing rearward pressure directly behind it. The Carrie is sort of the op-rod that unlocks the bolt and uses the inertia gained from the rearward gas pressure to cycle the gun. It is long stroke because the piston moves more than a certain amount of distance and retains the bolt . Short stroke piston systems typically moves less than an inch and are typically separate from the bolt and acting oprod. The mini14 is actually closer to a direct impingement design being that a fixed piston bleeds gas into a shallow, blind hole(and was designed by someone who did most of the work on the ar-15/M-16 project for Stoner at armalite ,had worked for the U.S. army on the m14 project and did a lot more work on designing several familiar guns ,L.James Sullivan).

  4. I’ve never heard the AR-15 being called a direct impingement gas operated system. Every time I’ve heard someone talk about its internals, I’ve always heard them say either short stroke or long stroke.

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