This is the how-to video for assembling the Radian Weapons AR15 Builders Kit.
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This is the how-to video for assembling the Radian Weapons AR15 Builders Kit.
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Snug on the castle nut or 40 foot pounds on it?
Jesus fucking christ I thought our California featureless was the dumbest thing to put on a rifle handle
NY: "hold my cafe latte"
What buffer tube and stock did you use for this?
What trigger did you install?
Man you need to move from that crap state
How does a state that literally led the charge against the Brits become such an authoritarian hellhole? I really want to know.
New York State sucks dude I’m sorry and I apologize you can’t even put like in a two on your rifle that’s bullshit I even saw a bunch of cops with 10 round mags
I have a upper on the way in a few weeks they told me as we’re on the first name basis this point but this leadtime on this product was 2 to 3 months and about seven weeks is not bad but I purchased a Noveske 10.5 300 and my first 300 build finally and all quality lower parts Geissele sd33 and buffer system and tube and it’s going to be a two stamper I guess but I wanted the receiver so badly I didn’t have them form I want it from the factory so I got a wait on that but finally my only issue is the BCG is out of stock and the Radian ram jet as I was going to get those also hoping I can get them all the same time and he said I probably could knock on wood that they will be in stock for my GEN 419 MOS
He’s kind of like putting a Honda Civic inside a body of a Lamborghini
Now it’s just an order to get an SPS by sure fire so I can truly enjoy the caliber and have a proper home defense not blow my ears out if you’ve ever fired indoors it is not pleasant you get that initial light piercing ring like if you’ve ever went and shoot house and like you’re your bro fell off or something sucks I mean I have a nine-year-old child I want her to be as safe as possible and I don’t want her to have any issues as she’s already had ear problems when she was younger so I thought hey do you know what I’ll complete my radian instead of it being a MK 18 ish geissele mk4 even if I got a suppressor for the 10.3 it’s loud so I did use the super 42 braided wire which really cleans up the sound inside the fire alarm because of how quiet 300 subs are and that’s probably what I would have in my room ready to go mag of supers and subs and those obviously I do use first and shit like not even wake my child some of the help it but most likely I would have to grab her and in like all right you’re going in here this is your safe spot and then direct everything in an opposite direction so no crossfire is going into any areas that civilians loved ones whatever it may be you have to think about what’s behind you what do you want to protect what are you trying to maneuver them away from work what are you trying to do and it comes down to trying to stop the threat but before you pick up the gun rack around it and go Rambo you call the police and tell them that they’re breaking in your raven rifle in your head and your child and having them hide where ever and I would fight to the death to keep my child safe and healthy that’s why am sound suppressor is so needed Specially for caliber
But anyway I do have a lower I’m waiting on a 10 inch upper kit and their lead is 28 to 12 weeks right now which is bad and throwing the upper on a noveske 10.5 416R barrel and the guns already heavy so I just chose the room regular weight there was a lightweight but it’s a heavy rifle and I doubt the few ounces are really gonna matter with weight only. They would matter is suffering accuracy loss faster with a thinner barrel as it gets hot quicker
Speaking of heat I’ve seen the same with like GP Enterprises who also has a seven minute guarantee but you have to be using oh good barrel and I know you have your state laws and such but you’re kind a putting A Honda civic engine in a Ferrari as far as the barrel concerned I would’ve went stainless steel as Reagan does and people that build them and if you do you want to get a builders kit depending on the prices of what you’re putting in there like I’m not putting in a proof research barrel but Noveske 10.5 300 doesn’t seem like anyone would say oh that’s a noveske ughh and speaking of that company not sure which unit in six was using them but they were using an taupe or a flat dark earth version of the Navasky surety 10 fives with dead air suppressors maybe other testing billet rifles I’m not sure if they were forge sets or billet It didn’t have the VLTOR upper but they were complaining novesky short barrels In 300 I believe it’s hard to say how the super select fire trigger using for one oh they’re probably gonna have to do a lot of barrel swaps but at least eventually will probably have a rough estimate on the barrel life and deviation and firing schedule at all plays into affect on the bar all going from a half minute to opening up to a five minute group and this barrel especially she did like GP just to get it to fit I don’t know how yours just slipped right in there even with the oil but you’re supposed to and I was talking to radian yesterday hit up your threads because of how tight the tolerance is are on everything and by doing that it opens up the aluminum so you have a few seconds to properly insert your barrel extension and the 10 x 5 through in a black out has a low pro gas block that has a pretty dimples setscrew and a cross pin Buy military rifles do not work off with low pro gas for on for auto if you use the right type of Roxette or Loctite sometimes people also will put Loctite 680 red on the barrel excess tension and supposedly that helps with accuracy but also headspace is a major issue that can open a group up because of deviating pressures in the chamber you don’t want a boat that’s too loose in its function or about that the lugs are going this year but if you have a company that offers head spacing do it you’ll be better off in the long run and even little things like any sort of odd pressure on the gas to like a simple finger on a bare upper touching the gas tube will make a sub minute gun into like a 3 to 4 minute gun and I’m talking about very mild Pressure from your event your M lock attachments with the rating you really have to worry about it that much because some big gun but it’s hard with the lines and mounting your white light but do not have it near the gas block as it can touch and then you don’t have a free fluid rifle anymore and even if it’s just like literally just touching no pressure touching it will disrupt the harmonics there’s so many things that factor in but I’m not gonna keep diarrhea of the mouth about accuracy just use some fucking grease slip 2000 even yeah some anti-seize and any excess wipe it off and then it’ll burn itself off the range and if I were this guy I would just swap that barrel out to a better barrel and I think he said stag there’s a lot of great companies that will work with you being out of the state but you shouldn’t have any issues having one shipped to you or muscle device for that matter an upper is an op or a barrel for an AR is just a barrel like shit technically a felon get out of upper because it’s not serialized maybe I don’t know I have to really check the walls on that one but I don’t understand the whole you can’t have threaded barrels that makes no sense how do you had your muzzle device but for the reading I’d say if you do change out go to a taper barrel as the way I’ll be more evenly dish to be heated centered not like government profiles were little more weight at the end I have plenty of good companies like I mentioned NOVESKE, CRITERION, centurion arms, DD, roscoe, geissele or even like ballistic advantage if budget but a model one deserves a beauty of a barrel the barrel itself should be
eye candy
Yeah a quality 416 or stainless barrel and I believe is what they told me in 10 1/2 will fit on the 10 inch rail assuming because it’s proprietary and what not maybe if it’s a little better but if the rail was like 9.8 I’d be like OK Little nervous sure fire three prong 308 war comp
I feel really bad that that state has such shitty laws in New York and California at first I thought it was California but found out it was New York and yeah I lived in Bergen County bordering suffer in Rockland county New York state growing up but I don’t understand how you can’t have a threaded barrel in the State and if you have knowledge on machining and have cut barrels down rethreaded them to 556 would be half by 208 308 or three in black out would be 5/8 x 24 not really that much like .6 inch post to .5 chargers thread pitch but is it because they don’t want you to have direct threat suppressors like I never even heard of a barrel that for example can you have a pen and welted muzzle device onto the barrel hence making it a part of the barrel and not removable??
Man, New York SUCKS. Idk why, I usually hear about the threaded barrels and pistol grips in CA I never even considered that NY is on the same time….smh.
sweat build. I got the nylar stock on my 2 rifle builds
would a regular hammer pin work on this lower in a pinch if you didn't have the proprietary one?
weird that there is no notches in the castle nut to stake the end plate to it.
God that grip is vomit inducing being attached to a rifle that nice
Started off as a fun build video. Evolved into a horror movie about living in NY.
That custom trigger pin that radian gives us that’s shaped funny backs out super bad under full auto fire