Home AR-15 Magpul – AR Upgrades

Magpul – AR Upgrades


Magpul-engineered AR upgrades are coming to plus up your build. Learn more at:

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  1. Magpul needs dark brown and light golden brown PRS stock and grip color and a tropical green color, I was never a fan of the FDE fad, we need it because people want it, but we also need American Browns and greens, and tree bark colors.

  2. My jaw dropped when they showed that cable manager kit that thing is genius then I saw that meat tenderizer and laughed that thing might be the dumbest thing I ever saw. To really take advantage of that you would need 3 of those, each at your 9, 6, and 3 o'clock positions cause you never know what you can use as a brace in a real world scenario making your gun wider, heavier, and more gothic. Would look like you're carrying a medieval flail or mace.

  3. I'll be playing legos for the first time with a rifle this year, and I was looking for hand stops to actually use as barrier stops. because I usually just use the magwell for that, but if I have a barrier stop it would be much better. I'll subject the armies rifles to that kind of shit all day, but my own rifle? lmao nah I 'm going to build it for how I use them

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