Home AR-15 What Position Is Better For A Red Dot On Your Rifle

What Position Is Better For A Red Dot On Your Rifle


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As much as I love a good Low Powered Variable Optic (LPVO), I typically prefer using a red dot in combination with an LPVO. Personally, I like running a red dot with a 45-degree can’t, but many people prefer to mount their red dot at a 90-degree angle on top of their LPVO.

The choice is highly subjective, and everyone has their reasons for selecting one position over the other. In this video, we explore two different opinions and the reasons behind them.

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  1. I’ve never seen canted Optics in any other format other than competition training, Air soft etc. Real Combat application you’ll NEVER see that. I’m an Old DAV and want to try a Red Dot sight and have an Aimpoint but positioning was an issue for my Eyes. The LPVO is great with back up Irons and only a Fool would rely solely on Batteries for self defense. Training is Paramount and great video guys, stay safe. S.F. 3/6

  2. If you’re shooting the red dot with both eyes open and the red dot is mounted at 45° on the right side that scope is interfering with your left eye and what’s going on to the left of your target. I’m probably going to go with a 1.53 mount and a Leopold 5HD 2-10 Lpvo FFP illuminated with a RMR at 12 o’clock. When I’m walking around looking for engagement and not ready to shoot, I’m looking over the rifle anyway, and the gun never has to move its tight connection at the butt stock to shoulder.

  3. 12 o-clock is king for rapid target acquisition (chin weld for red dot on target, drop to cheek weld and target is in your FOV for the magnified optic). It's also fantastic for upright posture and doing passive IR aiming with nods.

  4. 1:42 hahaha 😆 That guy makes a good point regarding red dots on top. I've always felt it's more natural at a 45-degree angle because I can more quickly transition from my scope to the dot and I still have a cheek weld. But (and this suddenly sounds super obvious) in the vast majority of the situations, you will be transferring from the dot to the scope –and you can use a chin weld and you have better left and right situational awareness. I gotta give it a shot.
    One downside you can't escape though: the massive height over bore. So if you're talking about using the dot for a hostage shot (like they practiced in this video), that would be VERY tricky at variable CQB ranges (especially if it is just a dot–and not a reticle–and you have nothing fixed to use as a holdover marker).

  5. The red dot being closer to you alters the parallax. The further away you are the most precise it would be.

    This likely will not matter MUCH but parallax is effected the most at closer distances. So if you put the red dot close you are basically making parallax worse for the range where it means the most…..further away is 100% better. Also better for FOV

  6. How do you zero the red dot on top? The scope would be preferred for longer range and thus the red dot for CQB only, but that much height over bore would make it hard to zero for close range only. Do you still zero at 36 yds or farther and have hold for the offset on close range targets?

  7. Doesn't having a red dot nullify the reason for having a LPVO? I mean keep the LPVO dialed down unless you need the magnification. And then it shouldn't take much time and effort to grab the throw lever and dial it down.

  8. you put your red dot above where your bullet seats in the chamber. this is the correct answer. also on ak or any other platform is best. its hard on an ak because theree are not a lot of options to place it exactly there(very very few) side mounts, ultimak, attero all of them are wrong. should be right where your leaf sight is at

  9. What's your opinion on red dot magnifiers? I'm trying to decided on how to set up a Springfield M1A and am stuck between a variable scope and red dot, or red dot with flip magnifier.

  10. It really depends on personal preferences. Most of my buddies run their dots the way Colion does, 45 degrees on the right side, but that just doesn´t feel right to me. I got mine on top like Nic has it, I really like it and it gives me a more natural position, while my buddies don´t really get along with that.
    Just try both ways and find out what´s best for you personally.

  11. What about swapping the scope with the red dot and having the scope canted? The red dot is often used as a quick shots and fast follow up shots. Close quarters, etc. And the scopes are usually slower and require more steady hold. Sometimes on a rest. With them being swapped it seems like they can perform their respective jobs between

  12. Bro, how are you? Please check out this video featuring a retired cop from Chicago, video from Peter Sentello. Pay attention to minute 15 where he starts talking about Lori Lightfoot, the former mayor of Chicago. The retired cop discusses her security team, which involves 115 officers for her protection, , Maybe you could consider interviewing the ex-cop, bro? I think this is an interesting story, and people need to be aware of Lori Lightfoot changing the rules to increase the number of cops for her security. At the same time, she does not believe that you, as a citizen, have the right to defend yourself. This situation highlights that politicians are not necessarily concerned about regular crime, such as someone getting robbed while going to a store or experiencing a home burglary. Instead, they are deeply concerned about people who disagree with their ideas and don't want them to be armed. I'm not saying it's not a valid concern, but the perspectives of politicians will always differ from those of regular citizens, and some of them are willing to sacrifice your rights for their own sense of security." Here is the link to the video

  13. Hey Colion got a question for you are you giving away your Daniel Defense M4 V7? Asking because I follow u on tiktok and u messaged me and I just wanted to make sure someone isn't impersonating you. If it is u Holy crap than you is all I can say

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