This was an easy build after i made that slight modification to the mold to allow the blocking to fit for the light widgets. Other than that it was straight forward. Plan your attack and envision what the holster will look like at the end. that’ll help you place all the blocking as you need them to be.
This @canik TP9 Elite Sub Compact with @StreamlightTV TLR7 SUb came out great.
On to the next.
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Tell them I sent you!
Mold From
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If you thumbs down this video, i hope you step on a lego hahah
“You’ll never be criticized by someone who is doing more than you. You’ll always be criticized by someone doing less. Remember That”
~Denzel Washington
“You’re going to inspire some people, and piss off the rest. Might as well do it anyway”

when you make the modification to the mold for the light blocking. How does it effect blocking of the mold with out a light?
Great video Iggy, I always learn something, but regardless I just enjoy watching you make holsters and hearing what your up to since you do videos like your talking to friends.
Man I wish I owned some land