Zooming in on the Sun with Nikon Coolpix P1000 camera with self-made solar filter (Baader foil ND5). Sun with a lot of sunspots. In this video you can also see a comparison of the size of sunspots to the size of the planet Earth.
Some sunspots were so large that you could see them by looking at the Sun without any optics! Only the filter was enough (ND5 foil)
Mega zoom test. No telescope, only a camera with incredible optical zoom 125x + 4x digital zoom.
Observation date: May 28, 2023
Music (YouTube Audio Library):
Title: Away
Performer: Patrick Patrikios

Where is the fire?
Compare with liars NASA s images.(all of them are made artificially)..they think people are stupid
There are some sun spots increasing
93 million miles away hey
w w w w what
i love sun!
The sun
What are the settings you used on the camera?
Flat earthers will call this CGI lol
were can i get this solar filter for the p1000?
¡Asombroso! yo no sabia de esto pero ¡Gracias por la información! Ademas tambien el primer video que vi fue el de las Galaxias
Where’s all the supposed burning fire ?

Sunspots more like suns pots
What exactly is a sun spot on the sun's surface?
Looks like a licked skittle
You have a nice series of videos using the P1000. This helps me with what I may get for a long distance observing camera. Looks much better than the P900.
Nice video !
Nie boi się Pan przepalenia matrycy przez Słońce, gdy aparat nie posiada filtra ND5? Spotkałem się z opiniami, że Słońce może uszkodzić matrycę gdy kierujemy na nie obiektyw aparatu. Są też zdania, że nic się nie powinno złego stać. Jaka jest Pana opinia w tym temacie? Pozdrawiam!
zajebista robota. pamietam jak za dzieciaka spogladalem w nocy na ksiezyc przez stary teleskop
Жду ваших видео с МКСом
Здравствуйте уважаемый Мистер супер мол давно не было вас
I really need to get a solar filter one of these days, my P1000 is begging for it. Keep the great shots coming buddy
What exactly are sunspots?
Nice I like space!
I h a v e never l o o k e d a t t h e s u. N in a Nikon P1000