Home Battenfeld UR Update: Win a Caldwell HydroSled and an Inline Fabrication Ultramount

UR Update: Win a Caldwell HydroSled and an Inline Fabrication Ultramount


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UR update and giveaway time! First off, CONGRATS to wade landèche, winner of the last challenge!

This week’s challenge: Tell us and show us WHY you shoot and WHY you reload your own ammunition! Enter here: (USA only, SORRY!)

Ultimate Reloader LLC / gavintoobe Disclaimer:

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The content on this channel (including videos, ammunition reloading data, technical data, comments, and any other information contained within) is for demonstration purposes only.

Do not attempt any of the processes or procedures shown or described in this video or on this YouTube channel (gavintoobe).

Any reloading data supplied on this YouTube channel (gavintoobe) or in this video, including any comments from viewers and readers must be assumed to be in error.

Always consult at least three sources of manufacturer’s ammunition reloading data before reloading your own ammunition.

Do not attempt to repair or modify any firearms based on information found on this YouTube channel or in this video.

Gunsmithing procedures should only be performed only by a licensed gunsmith.

Ultimate Reloader, LLC can not be held liable for any harm caused to any individual or any personal property related to activities, procedures, techniques, or practices described in whole or part on this YouTube channel (gavintoobe) or in this video.

Ultimate Reloader LLC / gavintoobe Material Connection Notice:

The following Ultimate Reloader partners are featured in this video:
– Inline Fabrication
– Caldwell

Ultimate Reloader partnerships involve one or more of the following:
Product supplied for evaluation + testing + features in videos/articles, paid advertising and promotions, engineering and product development services, scientific testing and evaluation, external media production and related marketing services.

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By watching this video in whole or in part, you agree that you alone are solely responsible for your own safety and property as it pertains to activities, procedures, techniques, or practices described in whole or part on this YouTube channel (gavintoobe) or in this video.

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  1. Need to quit buying those chines imported caldwell Rest. Unless you like giving your money to non gun friendly countrys. . Use American made not the china version. Or you can give money to the non gun friendly non free china. And encourage others to send there money there to. Not me keep America making keep America money in america.

  2. I shoot because its a passion of mine.. im a former army ranger. I try and help all my young family members with shooting. Just getting into long range myself.. at age 57 no less. Reloading has always been a passion. Its one of the most enjoyable parts of the sport to me. I will always shoot.. untill i cant pull the trigger anymore.. and reload as well. Thanks for all you do gavin!

  3. I really appreciate that you do take time to share your passion for reloading and shooting with the public, the information I have gotten from your videos is very informative and helpful. I am new to long range shooting basically because there arent any long range ranges where I am from, Southside of Chitcago even the State of Illinois Range is only 300 yds I believe so unless I want to drive 3-4 hrs to a site where I can let my rifles stretch there legs out a bit I am limited my only alternative is to buy some land and make my own private range. For the meantime I'll keep watching and keep learning, thanks again

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