Home StreamLight The GOOD and The BAD of the NEW Streamlight TLR-7 Flashlight

The GOOD and The BAD of the NEW Streamlight TLR-7 Flashlight


The new Streamlight TLR-7 HL- Sub flashlight just dropped. It is supposed to be 2x more powerful and 2x brighter than the previous version. But what’s up with the fit? Will it fit my Girsan High Power? Will it literally hold up under fire?

00:00 Intro Shots
00:22 Closer Look
05:36 More Shots

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  1. I'd run out of fingers and toes trying to count my streamlights….I like the TLR-7 series, but being of smaller frame for my pistols I prefer the TLR-8 series….just s smidge smaller….can't remember, idt the 7's have lasers? I could be wrong…. Big streamlight user myself 💪🔦

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