Home AR-15 Ex-Marine Dem Senate candidate ridiculed for backyard gun range where reporter was...

Ex-Marine Dem Senate candidate ridiculed for backyard gun range where reporter was injured


A Missouri Democratic Senate candidate — and Marine vet — who often smugly touts his gun safety expertise online is being viciously mocked after a journalist was struck by a stray bullet fragment during a campaign event at his haphazard backyard shooting gallery.

Photos from the ill-conceived gathering — which one observer likened to “A Where’s Waldo for ‘things that would get you perma-banned from any state-regulated gun range’” — show Senate hopeful Lucas Kunce firing a scoped AR-style rifle at what appear to be aluminum cans from about 25 feet away.

The event was held at his home in Holt with supporter and former GOP Rep. Adam Kinzinger and local union members.


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  1. Everyone who shoots steel knows you can't be within 50 yards of the steel your shooting when using a rifle. If he had been at a public range they never would have let him do that because everyone knows that's unsafe. The lawyer barely touched a rifle one time in the military and never again for the rest of his military career. And they were shooting without eye protection which is another huge No-No to people who actually use firearms.

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