Home CMMG AR15 bolt carrier+ejection in super-slow motion 1200fps

AR15 bolt carrier+ejection in super-slow motion 1200fps


The BCG of my DPMS AR15 filmed at 1200 frames per second, with some really nice lighting, which is essential when trying to film a black object at 1200fps.

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  1. This is an overgassed system. Bolt velocity is too fast too soon and the case doesn't have time to rotate properly and is slamming sideways into the rear of the ejection port and then ejecting/bouncing forward to 1 to 2 o'clock. Good ejection is from about 3 to 4:30 with 3 o'clock being straight out to the right. About 3:30-4 o'clock is the most ideal. To create an ideal ejection pattern, a heavier buffer and/or spring could be used if there is a non-adjustable gas block. Of course with an adjustable gas block this could be fixed easily.

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