Home AR-15 BREAKING: Dem Senate Candidate Shoots Reporter With AR-15 Ricochet from 7 Yards…...

BREAKING: Dem Senate Candidate Shoots Reporter With AR-15 Ricochet from 7 Yards… ON STEEL


BREAKING: Dem Senate Candidate Shoots Reporter With AR-15 Ricochet from 7 Yards… ON STEEL… In this episode, we dive into the latest example of Democrats attempting to be pro 2A… So hard in fact that they shoot the reporter with a ricochet…

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  1. Even better, the whole event was apparently organized by Chad Everett Downs, who is charged with 17 felony counts of perjury and according to his bond conditions, not supposed to have access to firearms. Yet he was there and told a photojournalist with the Kansas City Star that the firearms on the table were his, that the range was his neighbor's, he lived "across the way", and the neighbor allowed him to shoot on the range.

  2. He's shooting a 5.56 round at 7 yards at a steel target? WTF is wrong with these people? Steven Kunce wins the coveted Alec Baldwin award. (Credit goes to Steveinla8963 for voting for Kunce as this years recipient.Thank you for your valuable input Steve) This is why democrats should not be allowed to have guns.

  3. Democrat's and RINO'S.. you know things are going to go wrong when pretending to hate guns…NO, they hate people who know how to use them… What a Clown…Kunce, kiss your political career Goodbye….

  4. I'm not a gun owner or target enthusiast.. why were the targets sooo close??🤭🤣🤣 As a kid, the object was who could shoot the furthest and hit their target.. Guess they do things different now days.. How close can we get🤷.. Maybe we should let him know, not to run with scissors.. Common sense, not so common… Josh Hawley, is awesome..

  5. meters? Feet.
    10 Feet, definitely less than 30.
    If he's still standing, he doesn't need a stupid tourniquet, He's still holding the MIC!!! If the tourniquet had been applied correctly, he would definitely not be able to hold it.
    I had a 2 1/2" long, and 2/3" deep gash on my leg SQUIRTING blood and I only used my shirt to tie around it while I drove my MANUAL truck(left leg even- clutch leg) To the hospital.

    "LoOk HoW dAnGeRoUs GuNs ArE"
    Photo op for sure.

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