the cmmg br3 is a 308 ranch rifle that is an excellent rifle that happens to be legal in many states where an AR10 is banned
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The pants I wear to the range in all my videos. The company is ran by gun nerds and they reached out to support me and the channel.
Way off topic fellas.
How many of you guys been getting anti gun ads lately? If I watch gun content I get spammed by anti gun days but if I go watch Yugioh or other non firearms related content I end up with "vote for blue" ads.
9:37 BR4?
You know, I have not seen any of these in my local gun stores here in California
are they like rare or a hot item? I don't know. I'm going to ask them now
Has any company made 3rd party aftermarket stock for these yet? Like the Chisel stock for the lever actions and some shotguns
What is a ranch rifle?
Yawz…. azz 2 mouth
Which one is in 5.56?
People slow down, I trolled Reno, his Content is Excellent keep Watching
Sorry Reno count to ten then throw a rock at a passing car
Want to test your knowledge LIAR
I bet you think a FRT is not a Machine Gun (it is and I can prove it)
WARNING WARNING if you respond you WILL be held Responsible for them becoming illegal.
I am starting to think that you are nothing more than just a gun enthusiast with without a whole lot of constitutional knowledge, I recently asked you a question you answered with absolutely no explanation. It seems to violate my constitutional rights so why should I keep watching and liking this channel.
I wish I had waited on building my ar10 to purchase this instead! This looks great for California!
But where do my stripper clips go?
What is a better caliber for a ranch rifle. 308 or Creedmoor?
“Garand thumb goes tip to butt.. We are gunna go ass to mouth.”

I hate that something like this even has to exist. I'd rather keep traditional style AR pattern rifles common use than try to bend the knee every time the CADOJ decides to ban something new or circumnavigate the second amendment.
I think it's one of the best ranch rifles, aesthetically. Except for the stock. Don't like that shape. I'd like to see a nice walnut stock on there.
Illegal in Washington State. Not unbannable, sadly
5:37 You got my gun hot and hard and it shot really good too!!
I only come here to fap to Reno. He’s my Fap Bank. The one he did recently shirtless where he made an excuse why he was shirtless had me harder than my Glock to rack with diddy lube on my hands.
Made for people that can afford to buy expensive stuff OVERPRICED
I took my CMMG BR4 to the range for the first time. Your video has a lot to do with my purchase decisions. It's my first rifle. Never shot or owned one before. I run about 140 rounds through it. It run with out issues, little to no recoil but even though I was taking breaks in between 2-3 mags, the barrel and the shroud was getting hotter and hotter towards the end. It was still warm even when I got home which I never experienced with pistols. Is this normal for rifles?
Being a Cali resident, I don't hate it. That's a wicked 308
Thank for another great vid. Deer/big game hunting rifle?
Cool video
375 raptor or 8.6blk is the way to go. .308's only saving grace is ammo availability
Is it as modular 9r customisable as a regular ar15/ar10? If I want it in a caliber they don't offer, can I change the barrel out myself as easily?
I like that sassy Maverick.
haha, 308 Ram Ranch Rifle.
Ranch rifle!!
Actually.. I kinda like the idea of an unstable shooting platform. While difficult it proves your genuine skill and ability to deal with the situation you're given. Fantastic review. Interesting product too.
The mini 14 is the ultimate ranch rifle in my personal opinion. The second generation to be specific.
Nice socks. What's the OnlyFeets link?
Nothing is unbannable, the ingenuity of the California legislature is infinite.
What's the difference between the br4 and br3?
Yes, I WOULD think about buying this rifle, here, in California! I currently have two featureless 5.56 ARs, and this would be a wonderful addition.
However, I DO worry about going to a public gun range, here in California, with my featureless ARs and having to deal with idiots/cops who don't know the legalities of having a push-button mag release on a featureless AR. Have you had any problems like that when going to public gun ranges with this rifle? Or do you only go to private gun ranges?
We thought full auto was unbannable, but here we are
The mag release being out of reach bothers me much more than I’d like. Aside from that, I’m diggin the socks.
You know what's funny, if I was gonna continue to live in CA, I'd buy it. It's perfect and literally what I've asked for for years. Unfortunately, I'll be moving to Washington where they decided to out-retard California (never go full retard). So…I'll have to pass and go the shotgunner route by necessity. But I did buy a Beretta A300 UP recently, so I'm super excited to get into that.
375 Raptor has entered the chat
Somehow removing the pistol grip turns a "weapon of war" into a farmers gun
ranch rifle or CMP garand
Am I turning into a fudd??! Cuz I want that rifle!!! I HATE folding stocks – they rattle and seem janky. Pistol grip – honestly? Don't give AF. 308? YES PLEASE! Nice glass? YUP! AR platform? SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY!
Hay! Bigger truck!
m1a at home