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Checkout this video on my Locals community for more info on the bolt catch and magazine and what resolved the minor issue. https://2aedu.locals.com/post/2087355/psa-ar-15-5-56-lightweight-moe-ept-carbine-bolt-catch-troubleshooting-review For exclusive content you won't see here, checkout my Locals community. https://2aedu.locals.com/ – Bonus videos , daily deals, and weekly livestreams (Where I touch guns live). It is free to join, or you can support for even more perks and features.
I have a Daniel defense,Colt and a build I used PSA upper and Liberty or Death PSA stripped lower. I used Hogue stock and grip and small parts from Strike Ind. I put in a CMC trigger and its went through 2,000 rounds or more and operates as well as my others. A+ for me.
Can you give the specific model of this rifle!!!This looks perfect for me
Thank you sir
Just bought the same model to add another
Nice rifle and great video
I hear the psa guns jam really bad. I have a buddy at work, and his hardly works at all. But he did build his. I wonder if he did something wrong. I have been considering ordering a psa but I don't want to if it's going to jam. I've never had a single jam with my stag.
Did you oil it before you shot it? They don't come with enough oil to operate properly, they don't know how long a rifle will sit somewhere before fired or in their factory, any firearm you get should be at least oiled before firing, but really opened and checked for burrs, loose screws and what ever else, every firearm is designed to run perfectly, it's just if the tools used were sharp and lined up properly, and if the people who put it together tightened it all down correctly. The materials used the machines used and design are all correct, so it's on us to make sure we got a properly cut and assembled firearm. That's why some firearms need breaking in, because the tooling wasn't perfect and the parts need to rub against each other until the marry properly together, same with a barrel that needs breaking in or gets better over time, it just wasn't cut properly and is wearing off imperfections.
I am going to start recording without any editing, maybe fast-forward, I like when someone who shoots because they like to and are not paid to, give a review. Others are biased my money and by using every single insane expensive rifle and the ego that comes from doing that. and the channel subscriber number being large, they start to bias expensive or popular rifles that get them views. Knowing what I know about firearms and manufacturing, almost every rifle T it's core is the same, some have more features, some have different barrels, but quality control and name is what separates a lot of the same rifles from one another, like people think mil spec is the best, the military takes the cheapest firearms that hit the minimum requirements for them, and all thr money changing hands so the best firearm's for the job never gets picked. Friends loyalty money decides what firearms get chosen. From what I have seen Patriot Ordnance Factory makes the best firearm's money can buy, Palmetto State Armory makes the best firearm's for the money with a lifetime warranty no proof of purchase needed, the Sabre line up has the best of every part outside of proprietary parts and they charge 800-1500 for them, those same parts with less of those top tier parts and no lifetime warranty sell for 2-5 times the price with a different name on them. I watched many reviews and meltdown videos for many brands and most of the top tier brands fail at the same time or before th cheaper brands, and the accuracy of a lot of them is the same or less, if you get a rifle without any problems the way they want it to be from any company, it will be good, I am bot paying a ton of money for quality control and a name on my rifle, ill pray on it and go with POF or PSA, both have amazing offerings. My POF revolution is way under sub moa, like 1/4 and my PSA dagger shoots through the same hole at 15 yards and hits a 2×4 at 100 yards one handed holding phone filming, both have had 100% reliability, the dagger with its match grade barrel and being a Glock 3 platform with a lifetime warranty is tried and true but made by a company who backs it for ever and a better barrel and looks better with the cuts on it, and less than half the price, for what I got If I bought Glock, it woulda cost me 900-1200 and not came with lifetime warranty and a nice soft case. The Carey cut dagger with co witness height sigjts for 321 TOTAL, that's with tax shipping and FFL fee, I got a Pmag wonderful soft case that was 59.99 now 30 and worth everything penny, and lifetime warranty, and knowing I am supporting God's Kingdom, his people need jobs and PSA does that, PSA and POF both Christian PRO2A and USA, and lifetime warranty is a quad win. I will only be purchasing from these two companies, and you can get POF for much cheaper on battle hawk armory, I got my 2750 revolution for 1499, I missed the 1449 sale. Best 308 ever, 6.8 pound AR-15 chambered in 308. Just got this rifle you review today, going to get a P415 on black Friday when sale come, I think that and the P416 automatic version are the best rifles ever produced, last the longest, moat robust reliable accurate ar15 ever made ans only 1750, the HK416 is a lesser copy by a lesser company, it even looks the same as p416 copied name look function with less features more weight and way more price.
When I saw the black follower I could just feel the issues coming. For anyone that doesn’t know if you get/have the metal mags (like his OK mag) with the greenish followers you’re good to go.
I enjoyed your video. Never owned and AR and considering buying this one. Thanks for the review
Great video. Relatively new to the 2A, and this was very informative. New sub.
When it comes time to clean your rifle you'll probably like a nitride BCG and Faxon makes a good one for a good price if you're unsure about keeping your PSA BCG long term.
Down to earth guy teaching some of us CLUELESS guys, great video thank you
Nice with all the magpull stuff to start.
So I’m brand new to guns let alone ARs. Is this rife the mid length or carbine length gas system? I’ve heard mid length is a little better for reliability and flatter shooting. Is this accurate?
I love my PSA AR 15 it looks great and it's easy to shoot and is very much reliable.
Thank you for the mag. Info.
I have the same PSA AR and mine has worked perfectly. Not a single failure to feed with the 30 round Magpul magazines. Great rifle. I'll be testing accuracy to 300 yards, or at least as best as I can with a red dot sight.
I’ve shot tulammo and wolf in my psa M4 and never had an issue if I did it was nothing that I remembered lol I’ve also took several deer with the 72 grain hollow points they went down fast too
My aluminum mags did not work well in my PSA AR-15 either.
Thanks really appreciate your review I have many AR’s and they can be their own animal but most ALL. Are dependable. Remember better then a sick!
Great video man! I like your approach for explaining that it’s the way you like it and other people have their own preferences.
If things go down the way many are expecting, I would rather have a palmetto State armory AR-15 then nothing at all. I would rather buy three of these ARs then one top shelf because you never know when you need a hand a reliable accurate rifle to someone else. If I had unlimited funds, I would own 20 Daniel defense ARs and enough ammo to supply a small army but since that is not the case, I think this is the best AR platform for the money.
I doubt you’ll see this but I would love to know, does this come will everything right out of the box? I’ve had some tell me that you need to buy other parts for this and I’m not too savvy when it comes to this. Please let me know!
I’ve been buying PSA AR15’s for 10 years. I’ve shot a few real expensive AR’s over the years and I didn’t notice any difference. People say that PSA is okay for the price, okay for entry level, okay for plinking, etc. etc. but again I didn’t notice any difference. The range I go to we have 12” steel targets at 100, 200, half man targets at 300, 400 and 450. After some sighting in and using holdovers my PSA’s all hit the targets. Sooooooooooo why would I pay 2X or 3X more?
OK then!!!
Lost ya for a bit man I don’t know why but somehow I got unsubbed weird right?? Haha whatever just glad to see ya and I re subbed and of course liked
I’ve only ran steel case with pmags in my AR since 2015. Zero issues and still just as accurate as day one. Full DPMS 16” barrel.
Cant use standard mags on YouTube? I see YouTube is leaning towards communism real nice
Thank-you so much for your very real review!! Appreciate it very much.. I purchased new Ok Industries mags with the new follower before they went under.
I just got one of these for $559 and for what you get it’s a bargain. I was going to go with a M&P Sport 2 but decided to give PSA a try. The Magpul furniture was a factor over the M&P stock, grip and hand guard.
Awesome job brother
When I buy a new gun I just take my son to the range, in 30 minutes you’ll know if you have a decent weapon. He’s gonna run a couple hundred rounds through it as fast as it’ll shoot.