Home AR-15 AR15 Combat Speed Reload #tactics #tactical #tacticaloperations

AR15 Combat Speed Reload #tactics #tactical #tacticaloperations

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  1. Love the way you smash that mag to the ground (sarcastic). Sometimes, i question guys like this. Don't dumb magazines like this. Let gravity do its work. Let it drop on its own. You dont need to slam it down. You might need to reuse it, and now it's damaged because this guy shows you how "it's supposed to be done." 🤦🏽‍♂️

  2. This is not good advice. Save your important mags for last. Don't grab an easy one first if you can spare the time. The easy ones are the OH SHIT mags. Can you access them easily with both hands? Why not use a dump pouch or two and retain them? who serious uses a mag to empty? The idea is retain all your shit and take a pause when able and reload and re shuffle. This is some 2008 try hard garbage. sorry dude.

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