Home Nikon Approaching The Scene 308: Why Nikon's Zf & Z6iii's Manual Focus Modes...

Approaching The Scene 308: Why Nikon's Zf & Z6iii's Manual Focus Modes Are Revolutionary


(LINKS BELOW): I’m really excited the Z6iii has this built in like the Zf before it. It’s hard to overstate what a boon this is for manual focus lenses. I remember first reading the press release on Nikon’s Zf and wondering “what is manual focus subject detection?” I went digging and found that: the AF system will identify subjects (like eyes), track them, give focus confirmation (green box), and allow you to zoom to 100% to perfect focus while tracking them. Seriously? I instantly ordered the Voigtländer 50mm F1.0 Z-mount I’d tested and loved last summer. How well does this all work? Really well. Let me demonstrate with this video.

Nikon Zf:
Nikon Z6iii:
Voigtländer 50 F1.0 Nocton Z:
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00:00 Intro to ATS 308
01:00 The Zf & Z6iii’s manual focus subject detection is crazy
02:20 An example of it through my lens
04:00 The Zf’s LCD focus point movement is awesome too.
04:46 So many cameras could use this (looking at Leica!)
06:40 This capability feels like cheating with MF lenses
07:34 Join our next free Office Hours meeting

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  1. I haven't found this feature very useful especially when switching from single subject to multiple. It's a pain to switch between persons. Much easier to turn your camera towards the person, focus and recompose. And it takes several seconds to turn it on and off from the quick menus. So I keep it off.

    And in fact I found my Zf a little lacking in focus assist compared to my older SLRs when shooting with non-CPU lenses. No focus confirmation, apparently a firmware rather than hardware limitation.

    In fact, no matter how things evolve, the best, most efficient and quick, way of manual focusing was with the split prism on older SLRs 😂

  2. Hudson, I don't know if it's something that you're into, but would you consider doing a rundown of vintage lenses that you like (in light of the amazing manual focus capabilities of the Zf, Z6iii, and future Nikon cameras)?

  3. Yeah, I have to say that this such a great innovation. People like myself, who love the lore of photography, have been waiting for something that would make quick & accurate MF on digital cameras possible.

  4. When using Leica M lenses on the Nikon Zf or Z6III I noticed that about when it is in focus where the color turns green. Even with native glass. So I have been shooting with the Z8 & Z9 and forgot that the younger siblings can do this. Cheers!

  5. I have the Z 6lll ordered and do have the D 850 and Z 7ll. I would love this feature to come to the Z 7ll as well. I used several Carl Zeiss lenses, 135 apo sonar and the 21mm Distagon ZF2 mostly. As much as I like the Nikon glass there is something about Zeiss glass

  6. Just picked up a ZF and can't get this to work with any lens. All I get is the small, typical red MF box that will turn green for focus conf. The camera never finds human eyes. Is there a setting buried to flip this on?

  7. Out of interest, what happens if you choose focus priority for shutter release in manual focus mode? Does it prevent shutter release until you have manually focused and got a green square, that would be cool…😎

  8. So, does this feature work with Nikon AI-S lenses and the FTZ adapter? I've heard mixed reports that lenses with electronic contacts are needed. Would love to see PROOF before I buy. Short video showing EVF please please?

  9. Hi Hudson – nice video! Question? How do you set up the feature to move the focus box with the rear screen on the Zf? It is not set up as a default and after a short cursory look in the menus I didn't see it – maybe you can let us know where to find that in the menu? Thank you! 🙂

  10. Hi. I have a question about the this manual focus subject tracking feature. Does it work if you put some old auto-focus Nikon D glass on the camera? I ask because we lost the auto-focus capability for these lenses in Z bodies. I have kept two of my all-time favorites to use on my DSLRs (the 85mm 1.4 and the 200mm f/4 macro). How I'd love to resurrect my 85 for portraits if the camera can take care of the focusing in manual mode, given that it's released in firmware for my Z8.

  11. This could be a game changer for those who are constantly frustrated by MF lenses. I watched your recent video on Voigtlander lenses and saw your frustration show through due to MF challenges. Most of my lenses are Voigtlander and I think this will create a few more converts to these wonderful lenses. Thanks for sharing.

  12. One issue I've had with the voightlander and the zf is the shutter speed. 1.0 on a sunny day and 100 base ISO is limiting to get the creative effects I want without an ND filter. Hoping (at least with electronic shutter) that the faster shutter on the Z6 iii helps. Otherwise I'm loving that ability.

  13. So, gob-smacked. THIS feature (or, rather, the lack of this feature) has sent me on a Quixotic quest through camera after camera. I LOVE manual focus. I use auto focus, of course, but when you want or need manual focus, you want the camera to help you, not make it harder. This feature makes me want the new Z6 so much.

  14. Have you tried the Techart TZM-02 autofocus adapter? I find it’s a neat way to get close with manual focus then let the AF adapter get you the rest of the way. I half-action the shutter release while manual focusing until the adapter takes it home. The AF range is limited but for a touch up focus while manually focusing, it’s fairly decent.

  15. I went a bit bonkers last year and bought 5 ZEISS Milvus lenses (used but in perfect condition) for my Nikon D850 and I've been struggling with hitting focus. I can zoom in but only on the back LCD and it's a bit clunky of a workload. Although I primarily do landscape on a tripod I have been getting into more street as well and something like the Zf might help get me past the frustration as they are beautiful lenses.

  16. I can’t believe this isn’t being more talked about! I’m in the process of acquiring a 28mm Thypoch Simera and have been struggling to figure out how to make a non-chipped lens work with eye-detect and focus indication. It seems that there are a few M-Z smart adapters out there that can make this happen (TTArtisan chipped adapter and the Techart will work)… could be a great subject for a video… that 28mm Simera rendering looks incredible.

  17. I really want Nikon to make retro styled, electronic connected, MF lenses in some of their classic Nikkor combos….2025 versions 105mm f2.5 or 35mm f1.4 anyone?

    I love my Voigtlander F mount lenses on the Zf, and would love a Z mount Voigtlander 40mm f1.2 but cannot find them anywhere in Canada at the moment!

  18. Why hasn't Nikon backported this feature to the Z8/9? Too many other features to move that took higher priority? Or do they just not think pro camera users would find it useful? I feel like it'd be a good addition, especially for anyone using the Noct (all 2 of them :P)

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