Home Gun News & First Ammendment Issues NRA-ILA | Cert Petition Filed in NRA-Backed Challenge to Maryland’s Handgun Qualification...

NRA-ILA | Cert Petition Filed in NRA-Backed Challenge to Maryland’s Handgun Qualification License Requirement


On September 27, the plaintiffs in Maryland Shall Issue v. Moore petitioned the U.S. Supreme Court to hear their challenge to Maryland’s Handgun Qualification License requirement.

Maryland requires citizens to obtain a Handgun Qualification License before possessing a handgun. To obtain an HQL, one must be fingerprinted, attend a half-day training course, live fire a handgun, and pass a background check—all of which can take over a month to complete and come at significant financial expense. Additionally, Marylanders must comply with Maryland’s Handgun Registration Requirement, which already requires a background check and 7-day wait.

After a 3-judge panel of the Fourth Circuit held the HQL requirement unconstitutional, the court reheard the case en banc and upheld the law. Now the plaintiffs have petitioned the Supreme Court to hear the case.

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