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We were looking for an affordable and portable shooting rest. The Caldwell Stinger may be the answer
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Get it here:
We were looking for an affordable and portable shooting rest. The Caldwell Stinger may be the answer
Join us on Facebook, or check out the blog at www.GBGuns.org.
Support this channel with some swag at www.cafepress.com/GBGunsMerch
In evaluating the Stinger, what really stood out to me is the fact that each rifle's buttstock fits directly into my shoulder—just as it does when I'm shooting without the rest. With virtually all of the other commercially available gun rests, the buttstock slides into a plastic or metal "socket" to which I must then adjust my shooting position. I'm really pleased that Caldwell offers this alternative design, which works VERY effectively for sighting-in my rifles.
pretty cool. i just bought this one
Bought it but not happy about where the front lift lock is located. I have to move it all the way back to balance my barrel on my air gun. But when I do that theres no way to get at the locking set screw to lock it. The cross member is right up against it.
Can you lock in the front rest? Looks pretty loose.
will this work with regular bolt action rifles?
I really like the Stinger. I often find myself holding onto the metal bar with my left hand while I'm shooting, but I really don't need to because this rig doesn't move. If it does it's only by a minute amount. Just a good, simple, rock solid rest a working man can afford. I got mine for less than $100 at Academy.
Just ordered one. Thanx
Any updates? Still liking it?
so much better than a soggy sandbag
Good looking rest.
Where is the review on that franken rifle?!
I'm sold! We've been looking for a new rest and now ready to pull the trigger.
So what was the cost?
Forget the gun rest, let's talk about the hideous AK it's holding!!!
Looks like a real nice Rest. I'm look'n to get one here pretty quick. Thanks.