Home AR-15 Running and Gunning with a “Budget” AR-15

Running and Gunning with a “Budget” AR-15


Brandon built out what he would consider a “budget” AR-15 with some specific capability requirements. His build is capable of training, competing in a practical carbine match, general preparedness and defense, and should last for a minimum of two maintenance cycles.

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  1. I don't think people understand the role of PSA. PSA's customer isn't SPECWAR operators or other people who put thousands of rounds down range (or people who want to take selfies in the mirror with their guns). Their customer is the average American whose life doesn't revolve around guns and has different financial priorities but still want to be able to protect their home and practice once every several months. Not everyone is a gun enthusiast. Not everyone needs DD or KA quality guns. But everyone should be an enthusiast about being armed.

  2. Blem 14.5 bcm Mk2 upper with bcg, Psa classic stealth lower, streamlight pro tac long gun light, Blue force vickers padded 2 point sling, vortex 1-8 gen 2 strike eagle, bcm gunfighter short vert foregrip, radian raptor lt charging handle. Total: $1,277. Nothing used bought all new. What do y’all think? Trash or gas?

  3. I spent 1500 on my very expensive (for me) one-and-done build. But most of that was a BCM complete upper, then just am Aimpoint pro, arisaka 300 light, Vickers Blue force sling. All under 1500, just food for thought.

  4. I'll never understand why people spend 200+ on a weapon light when Streamlight makes extremely tough/reliable lights for sub $130. If it truly is a 'budget' build you can get decent weapon lights for like $40.00 from off brands. Lights that function well and don't have any issues.

  5. Your budget build in Canada now that we can’t get AR 15s but if we could, we’re still looking at 3k for this build.
    Never given an inch because they’ll take a mile. Constitution is the greatest document written for Man.

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