Home EOTech PCCs are Dead to Me

PCCs are Dead to Me


CMMG fails me for the last time.



Mystery Ranch:

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  1. My 10mm banshee has beaten the shit out of the ejection port, and flaked off the coating inside of the chamber within 200 rounds of factory SIG. Cmmg customer service has been shit. Can't convince them to replace it. They just want to "repair" it.

    Any suggestions for how to convice them to replace it?

  2. I was getting a lot of the same on my CMMG radial-delayed system, all failures to eject and the spent shell getting caught up in something. Two things that seemed to help was replacing both the extractor and ejector springs with high-power versions. The ejector spring in particular gets beat up by this system and doesn't swing out the casings with the kind of authority a longer 5.56 shell gets. When I replaced it, it had become compressed and shorter than a new one. Also, do you notice when you cycle out a round it barely comes out, and sometimes will just fall down into the receiver…whereas a 5.56 round or shell will be flung way out?

    It would seem that the ejector spring will last about 1000-1500 rounds before it starts to set and weaken, which isn't a lot but I keep several handy. That's the one major niggle I have with this design, in that they should have incorporated a fixed ejector in the receiver that aggressively knocks the casing out like just about every other pistol caliber gun, instead of the internal rod type in an AR bolt which just pushes one side of the casing to swing a longer case with more centrifugal force helping it fling away. This system seems to depend more on luck that the spent casing will tumble its way out. And the more that ejector spring wears, the more likely it won't make it out.

  3. I've built 4 9mm PCC – 2 rifle length, 1 pistol, 1 SBR. I prefer the KAK drop in colt mag converter, ASC colt mags, Ballistic Advantage Gen 2 9mm barrel. Blow back poor race but they chug along and you can tune them to your liking and problem solve them pretty quickly once built. Blowback9 has great tips on how to get them running solid. I just added his gentle recoil solution and it really tamed my SBR with the suppressor in recoil.

  4. Man I've seen so many content creators have trouble with cmmg I appreciate you guys going through that cuz I'm going to save my money. I was considering a decent but after this and then tactical considerations his experience with The descent 47 was insane

  5. You might try playing with buffer weight. Think of it like how AR10s are finnicky when extremely overgassed. Might be the same issue here. I have the Banshee 9mm that has run thousands of rounds. Using the Pmag conversion mags and a 7.3 ounce buffer with a flatwire spring. Not a single malfunction🤷‍♂️

  6. I've built 20+ 9mm PCCs over the years. All had issues. The one I settled on was the Aero Precision EPC-9 with a 4.5" Ballistic Advantage Gen 2 barrel. It eats every type of ammo, zero malfunctions well past 5K rounds. Check'em out man.

  7. The only pcc I’ve ever had that ran flawless no matter what is the last one we would all expect. A chiappa Pak9 with a binary in it. 5300 rounds, never skips a beat right out of the box. I can not say the same for ar platform pcc. Even with much tuning my ar9 is only 98%

  8. All of those Glock mag fed 9mm ARs are garbage. Get purpose built 9mms. AKVs, MP5s, TPSs, the B&Ts. Mags built for the intended gun. PCCs should be a true duel feed. Not a double to single feed mag.

  9. In my experience. And mine only. Ar Glock mag based carbines need extra power mag springs. Midway sells them. Brownells has em.
    They get dirty fast and start to choke after 5-6. 30 round mags.

    As a side note don’t buy a cmmg unless it’s 7.62×39.

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