Find the best AR-15, AR-10, and AR-9 rifles, pistols, and parts at Bearcreekarsenal.com!
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Find the best AR-15, AR-10, and AR-9 rifles, pistols, and parts at Bearcreekarsenal.com!
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Just got my BC-10 from you guys today. It had 4 light primer strikes immediately, and each time it was tough to get the bolt back open. Once it finally fired it did fine other than 1 more light strike. I think it just needs a little breaking in and it will be good
5 round mags, we got them, or not…..
Sorry… Spend a day in the woods still hunting with that brick hanging in your arms… You will definitely notice it's no woods-rifle.
Only seen a few videos with this guy, and he is wrong more than he's right.. BCA stop having this guy make videos, it doesn't look good for you
but he's probably one of the owners, so.. lol
Very amazed with my purchase. I will be using this deer hunting season.
a semi auto will never be as accurate as a bolt action thats why the bolt action is the standard for snipers
he's not right the ar15 was to to put as much lead down range as possible, the ar10 was to try to compete with the best .308 rifle at the time the FAL but they could not make the dead line
Ummm…6.5 Grendel long before the 6ARC…
I have a bear creek 6.5 Grendel and it shoots dime size groups at 100yds.
My first buck was taken with a BCA upper in 6.5 grendel as well as my son's first buck. My third was taken with a BCA 350 legend. AR's make for great hunting rifles.
Lol here we go lemme get the ranch for this salad
Just one small problem with your tale, Armalite actually invented the AR-15 for civilian use BEFORE it was made available to the military in the M-16 platform!
I use the BCA 350 legend right side charging 10.5 inch upper on a PSA pistol lower. It is a great blind gun or hunting saddle gun.
Need to make 6.8 spc 20-22"
i have the BCA .458 Socom for a Hog Gun, and the BCA .308 and 6.5 i use for white tail.
I didn't know the ar-15 was for the military, I thought the m-16 was for the military.