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Getting Guns To Be Prepared Before The Election? My Advice


Getting Guns To Be Prepared Before The Election? My Advice
We should be prepping for whatever type of SHTF the election may bring. If you don’t have guns yet but you want some just in case, this is for you.

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#noguns #getsome #election #midwayusa

Song: Shine On
Music by: CreatorMix.com
00:00 Introduction
01:19 Who Am I?
01:55 Sponsorship Mention
02:36 Get A Pistol
08:09 Get An AR-15

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  1. My hope with this video is to help anyone out who is starting out right now. If you currently do not own a gun, want to be ready before the election for whatever might happen and you lack the knowledge or skills that many of us in the firearms community take for granted, this was some of the best advice I could come up with. If you have other things you would suggest to someone who falls in this category, please leave a comment below so that we can help everyone out as much as possible. I honestly hope this election season passes without any incidents. Unfortunately, it seems that things are only escalating so far.
    My Website (discounts, networking, direct support): https://www.MagicPrepper.com

  2. It doesn't matter if Trump or Harris are installed as President. Both are notorious gun-grabbers. Most people in the NY Democrat camp (AKA Trump) suffer from amnesia. Trump's first go around included the following:

    “ During a public appearance in 2019, President Donald Trump proudly reminded us about his gun control credentials, bragging that his administration implemented new gun control and has conducted more (ATF) enforcement actions than anyone in history.”

    “He (Trump) called for comprehensive gun control legislation that would expand background checks to weapons purchased at gun shows and, on the internet, keep guns from mentally ill people (Red Flag laws), secure schools and restrict gun sales for some young adults. He even suggested a conversation on an assault weapons ban.”

    “I like taking the guns early, take the guns first and go through due process second” Donald Trump

    It's clear despite Trump's BS about supporting the 2nd Amendment his actions say he doesn't. The 2nd Amendment, which was an additional restriction on the Federal Government from infringing upon our natural right to keep and bear arms hasn't been in effect since 1934, when the NRA backed, unconstitutional National Firearms Act was passed into "law." Every subsequent Federal gun control law, rule, regulation and executive order, even the ones supported by Republicans and the NRA violated the Constitution and 2nd Amendment.

  3. If you’re this late in the game I’d get a Used Glock 9mm if you can find a used one. Glock for no other reasons than track record and easy to fix/modify. Target ammo is your friend at this point as there’s not really the time or money to find carry ammo you know for a fact will work in your gun. No less than 5 mags and maintain 500 rounds. When you train, replenish. If you really want some duty/defense rounds then federal hst are a pretty safe bet.

    A few weeks later get an affordable ar that leans towards the light weight side of things. Must have iron sights. Holosun, primary arms, and sig are your best bet for decent optics. Plenty of good recommendations in other comments. M193 is really all you need at this point for preparation. Any cheap ammo for training is excellent. No less than 10 mags on hand. Don’t bother with anything other than the proven and plentiful pmag. no time to test mags. Maintain 1000 rds of m193 or equivalent.

    A shotgun would be a great 3rd but right now the focus be on the primary and secondary.

  4. You're awesome MP. Thankfully, my husband is a veteran with plenty of arms experience, training and knowledge who put my own setups together and has taught me. Other people are not so fortunate to have someone in their family who got all that training from Uncle Sam. I don't have to pay for training because my hubby already paid for it with his time and commitment. These new people are starting from scratch and it's going to cost them more to learn. You are a valuable resource for people who are clueless but want to learn and improve their position. Love what you're doing.

  5. You can buy a 300 dollar rifle. it's what is inside the rifle, the trigger system, and the barrel . After that, it's the shooter, whether if it's cheap or expensive. Needless to say, it's how good of a shooter you are with whatever gun you use.

  6. Kind of a day late and a dollar short, unless you can drop a few grand, then spend 6+hours a day learning, practicing, and training for a few months straight…. people making this decision now are the same ones who wait till after the storm hits to buy insurance…

  7. Overall solid advice though probably a little advanced for someone who’s brand new to the firearms world. To summarize:
    1. A concealable pistol + high quality holster
    2. A long gun, preferably a decent quality AR (S&W sport III is great option) with a decent red dot (Romeo 5+)
    3. A light, could be handheld but needs to be bright.

  8. If I knew zero about guns and was trying to figure out my best option for a first gun or what to get before the election, I feel like this video would have confused me way more than I already was.

    Once you start listing all the parts, compatibilities, prices, and all the different considerations for why and how certain parts are used (let alone acronyms, styles, and brand names newbies would be unfamiliar with), people are going to click off. And then you're showing expensive guns with thousands of dollars worth of accessories, and telling people they would be good with a $600 alternative if they "vet" it (as if a new shooter knows what that entails) and a cheap $150 light/red dot. How does that inspire confidence for a new shooter in those items if you don't use any of it and show why it's still a good choice?

    Just stick to the basics.

  9. This is real simple…imagine the power goes out for several days…some folks already screwed…several weeks, it will be utter chaos…several months, do we really want to envision what that might be like…

  10. SGAmmo is usually the best place on the net to make your dollars go the farthest. $200 means free shipping. You can mix a bunch of single boxes of ammo to hit the threshold.
    Midway has a great selection of accessories for sure.
    Wife and I both use Glock 19’s. Mags are reasonable. Reliable as can be. We have Trijicon RMR sites on ours. We wanted parts interchangeability.
    We also have threaded barrels so we can use our suppressors.
    We also have Remington 870’s with 8 shot tubes and ghost ring sights. Had these for years. They are bullet proof. 12 gauge cant be beat. We keep them loaded with ….ammo that is not ……friendly.
    Like MP we have ARs and AKs and even some matching SBRs. I am 63 and have owned firearms since I was 10.
    Everyone needs an AR. People in our group have everything from Ruger SR556’s, AR556’s. LWRC, Bravo company, Colt, FN etc. we have fired them all excessively and have had no failures

  11. If you don’t have any experience with firearms and either don’t know where to start or are a bit lean on the means, consider a .22 rifle and pistol. Don’t let a gun store clerk convince you otherwise. There are a number of decent .22 pistols and revolvers, and one generally good, out of the box .semi auto carbine to consider, the Ruger 10-22. You can subsequently afford all the ammo needed to break them in quickly and maintain enough ammo for any lean periods. TAURUS TX 22, Rugers, S&W M&P 22 pistols as well as Ruger, Colt, or S&W 22 revolvers (if you can find them) are good choices. If you’re skilled enough to handle a center fire, there are still a lot of good police trade-ins to choose from. Pistol, mags, ammo, and holsters are the first things to focus on. For the Ruger 10-22s, extra magazines and a sling are most essential with sighting systems. A close second. Buy a couple of good, bright hand held lights, OC spray, and mid range fixed and/or folding knives.

  12. Cans are WAY overhyped. My biggest complaint is the weight, even for a K can on a 14.5”. Then once you add the length, gas to the face, running dirty, increased parts wear etc it’s not worth the “signature reduction” especially on a 5.56. Flash hiders work great.

  13. Your set up is not realistic for the average person in any way what so ever. $1700, on a pistol..$4000 on a rifle come on the average person is not able to afford this ,you know that . That being said otherwise your right my brother.

  14. Guns should be your absolute last resort. I know it's uncomfortable and awkward, but go knock on neighbors' doors and establish a plan for if things do go sideways. Know who near you is going to help with security, who is going to help with growing/providing food, who knows how to dress a wound, etc. These are all things we're totally capable of doing and working together makes it so you don't NEED security. Also, working together TERRIFIES the people that want to control your life.

  15. I agree with most of what you recommended… With 1 glaring exception.
    If you are a new shooter, stay away from Glock. They are designed for professionals (military/ LE). People who shoot and train to shoot for a living, nit for casual shooters, ie civilians who are going to shoot it a couple of times a month, maybe take a class or two, and then put it in the nightstand for emergencies. Get something with a natural point of aim for that. Smith and Wesson is generally my recommendation because it points like you do. If you point out your finger, naturally, that is where the barrel of the pistol will point. You will be "on target" generally just pointing the pistol at the target. Because of Glocks grip angle, in an shtf situation, when you're scared, angry, upset, or have adrenaline pumping like crazy, your pistol aim is going to be off. You will not be accurate with the Glock. You probably won't be accurate with anything, for most non sociopaths, or people who have never been involved in real life and death scenarios regardless of what you have. But with the Smith and Wesson, or other like pistol, you will have a far better chance of coming out alive, or at least not killing someone 2 blocks away, because you shot completely over the head of your target…
    I like that you propsed training over trinkets, but unless someone is committed to lifestyle change, glock isn't the way to go.
    As for your AR platform recommendations, i agree whole heartedly. Get a solid entry level AR from a known manufacturer… Not budget huilds that need "fitment". Get those later and tune them to you, after you know the basics of the platform.
    I know this is a long winded rant, and believe it or not, I like Glocks, i just don't like them for shtf, in the hands of untrained people.

  16. SD9VE🪶👑/PSA 🗡/G3C’s (g3c great edc backup) are the best budget 9mms out especially for SHTF,any 11/10.5 ARP w/ duty quality BCGs(bcm) are a absolute must and lastly 18.5 mossy 88/500/590 pumps and Walmart Fanny packs 30+/18 best caddy’s out especially with plates on

  17. As far as weapon lights i have been putting them together for yrs out of handheld flashlights…1 inch scope rings work on most handheld flashlight bodies…no need to buy an expensive mount…that surefire g2x w a scrapped 1in ring is what sits on my wasr10 right now…ofc i have plenty of other setups w pressure pads and stuff but ive been doing that for YEARS and i cant say its any worse or better than the dedicated wml's

  18. MP, sometimes I wonder: if the government wasn't trying to limit your access to whatever firearms you wanted, maybe people wouldn't be so fixated on getting the most capable and tge most racticool weapons?
    I ask, because Sensible Prepper often tells a story of how before your Assault Weapons Ban people on the range were almost exclusively with repeater rifles, pump shotguns and not sweating themselves with handgun training, meanwhile after the ban was lifted seeing someone on the range with a bolt action rifle was quite an event.

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