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Kamala Harris finally did her first post-debate interview and got asked preverbal softball questions about GUNS and to expound on her saying she was a gun owner during the debate.
Harris responded with “I am a gun owner and Tim Walz, my running mate, is also a gun owner. We’re not taking anyone’s guns away. I support the Second Amendment and I support reasonable gun safety laws,” Harris said.
“I feel very strongly that it is consistent with the Second Amendment and your right to own a gun to also say we need an assault weapons ban. They’re literally tools of war,” Harris continued. “I say we need universal background checks. The majority of NRA members support that. Why? It’s just reasonable. You just might want to know.”
What she didn’t mention is that all of these United States government agencies who are not at war have these types of rifles, but somehow when they’re in the hands of Citizens, they magically morph into “Tools of WAR” designed “to kill a lot of people quickly.”
Now don’t think for one second that the irony is lost on me that Kamala began by saying she supports the Second Amendent and then the very next thing out of her mouth is proposing a law that literally violates the Second Amendment.
Kamala Harris doesn’t get to decide what does and doesn’t violate the Second Amendment any more than when she was a prosecutor having a criminal tell her which of their criminal actions does and doesn’t violate the law.
That’s not how the constitution works.
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For the life of me, I cannot understand what is so hard for some people to get it through their heads the four simple words, "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED."
I'm sure she confusing her water hose nozzle with a grip, that she waters her plants with a gun.
I really just want to see a politician in a national debate shut this "assault weapons" bit down immediately and state that the AR-15 is a standard semi automatic rifle that uses the same technology as all handguns and most rifles. Why do republicans never make that point?
If she owns a gun, and actually knows how to use it, then I'm Elvis.
You are my favorite YouTuber! Keep up the good work. We are with you!
Who is the guy in the suit exposing Kamala about Pac and Snoop?
I hope we can get this party started already, they need a reality check
Yea… guns of war, that is EXACTLY what the people are supposed to be able to have. The right of the PEOPLE to have weapons shall not be infringed. If there is ever a war, don't you think having the citizens of these United States, able to step up and defend this country is EXACTLY what the founding fathers intended?
Senator Roark from Sin City, "Gaining power is lying to the people and getting them to go along with it when they know it's a lie. THEN YOU GOTTEM BY THE BALLS!" Or some shhh like that. Politics. Bull
Weak argument. It seems people have been listening to sensationalist Trump so much that they forget what a professional sounds like.
The background music on the intro giving me runescape vibes, had to double check my game audio
She's clearly bought and sold.
The first half of the second amendment does NOT grant them regulatory powers, it takes them away. Every amendment takes power away from them, that's the whole point.
''no one is taking anyone's guns away'', one second later: ''we need to ban guns…''
When the government says you don’t need a gun…. You need a gun.
The republic has fallen into the hands of a democracy that is controlled by fascist
(Harris) …. We're not taking anyone's guns away. Now let's talk about my mandatory gun buyback program.
CNN posted it but cut it up into the parts she did good on and talked over it.
Since assault weapons cannot be definitively determined; therefore they do not exist. Hence forth, no rule of law can be enforced. There is no such thing as an "assault weapon". It’s a common term like coke. (What flavor of "coke" do you want?)
So she wants to take guns… And she will be the next President before the election as your October surprise…
If she wants them then come try to get them!!!!!!!
There is no gun law consistent with the second amendment. None.
She’s showing us how little she knows about the Constitution! The second amendment is the most simple amendment …. The Right to bear arms shall not be infringed! Definitely she’s a incompetent candidate who is way over her head. Just hearing her try to answer questions is unbearable.
Well regulated,,,means haveing modern weapons ready to deal with modern times, it would not make sence that it means we only have basic guns fr back in the day,, how is that in any way shape or form,, well regulated
She’s a cunning stunt.
Thanks for the video.
This particular one used a lot more words and time than seemed necessary. A bit ‘rambly’ and less coherent.
Anyhow, I DO know it can be quite labor some to produce this stuff regularly. I hope this can be received constructively.
I love your videos I don’t like the music behind your voice. But any how may good bless you
"I feel very strongly that it is consistent with the Second Amendment and your right to own a gun to also say we need an assault weapons ban." As if her very strong feelings meant anything when it comes to a constitutionally protected, basic individual right.
I want someone to ask her what kind of gun do you own and watch her stutter

Great content every time!!
They don’t know anything about firearms!
Harris is an airhead who keeps repeating the same crap. AR-15s aren't used by the military. The M-16 and M-14 are used. The difference: An AR-15 only has semi-automatic fire. An M-16/M-14 both have selective fire allowing for automatic fire.
Furthermore, while the AR-15 has never been used by the military, pistols, long rifles, and shotguns have been used. So will they also ban those, since they are "weapons of war?" Anybody who believes they will stop at one type of armament is delusional.
She also want to let police enter homes to ensure we store them properly. Invasion of privacy right?
RESOLVED, That a well-regulated militia, composed of the body of the people, trained to arms, is the proper, natural, and safe defense of a free state; that standing armies, in time of peace, should be avoided as dangerous to liberty; and that in all cases the military should be under strict subordination to, and governed by, the civil power.
– Virginia Declaration of Rights (Section 13), June 1776
The Democrats sell more guns than anyone …