This video is in reference to the things I wish I knew about weapon lights on pistols and rifles before making my first ever purchase. All lights aren’t created the same but some will get your boots smoked, if you’re not careful. listen as I give you examples of great quality lights while also informing you of the bad ones.
Streamlight TLR 7-A
Streamlight TLR 1- HL
Tactical Armament
Surefire M600 Scout Light

I have a collection of lights from over the years. I’ve done the budget and I’ve done the expensive. For rifle light though, the budget one that impressed me the most is the o light Odin 2k lumens. Some of the reviews on Amazon claim “The light might actually be too bright” and they aren’t playing lol. I have surfire And mod lights as comparison. I’m not paid to say that and don’t have a YouTube channel but just want to pass on some of my findings through the years
Great video! On my carry or defense weapon i dont skimp on lights or optics. I do have a couple of range toys or budget bangers that ive put some cheaper stuff on. That being said, some of the cheap lights are on par with the expensive stuff. Weeding out the airsoft stuff is the problem. So many options out there. Thank you for your service!
Good video Bra. You may as well sell me the TLR 1, its my favorite because it fits flush with the barrel. Use the proceeds for another light.

Great video, brother. Man, its confusing with all the types. Thanks!
SQUAD UP. Watch brother Commercials!

With the pistol lights, something that I consider is the compatibility with available holsters as a factor, I also like them to have a 1K+ lummens.