Home AR-15 Georgia school shooting investigation: Dad bought accused shooter gun as Christmas present,...

Georgia school shooting investigation: Dad bought accused shooter gun as Christmas present, sources


Investigators believe Colt Gray got the AR-style weapon that he ultimately used to allegedly carry out the mass shooting as a Christmas present.

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  1. A REMINDER……this is another case of intelligence agencies KNOWING, FOLLOWING, TRACKING shooters and domestic terrorists for MONTHS before a mass shooting…. and taking absolutely no actions against it…the govwrnment is against while at the same time making millions in insider trading

  2. If we buy our child a car and the child ends up drunk driving and kills someone will We be putting the parents who purchased the car in prison too? This smells so heavily of Kamala. How about we do a deep dive into her and find out why she keeps trying to jail family members.

    Does someone near and dear to her invest in these institutions that profit off of human incarceration?

  3. The father n mother are poor excuses for parents that’s #1. Dad knew his son was being bullied , goes and puts a high powered riffle in his kids hands . He n his wife probably didn’t want the responsibility of their son . Who buys a AR 15 for a 14 yr old knowing he is bullied at school. This sounds premeditated

  4. So sad. Colt was definitely the one that pulled the trigger and killed 4 innocent people. But, his father is the sickest person ever. Giving his son an AR style weapon even after the FBI brought to his attention they were investigating his son.
    I guess we all went through different struggles at the age of 14, and I can’t even comprehend walking into a school and shooting anyone.
    I also can’t even fathom one of my parents buying me an ar style rifle at that age for any reason and I live in Texas.
    Colin is definitely a fucked up parent and I really hope that a jury convicts him for being an accomplice in each murder and injury.

  5. I don’t see nothing on the father to charge him with anything the kid acted on is own fore some reason all these kids are being bullied and no one is doing nothing for them so they act these needs to change before someone else gets hurt THE BULLYING needs to stop with these kids

  6. Where is Vantz to bail him out? The right to bear arms taken too far, the kid got a warning and the father thought he was clever to do this. People say government shouldn’t be in people’s homes, well, see here!

  7. The case against the father is dubious. The fact that a 14 year old is considered an adult in a court of law and the father was trying to give the kid a normal 14 year old Georgia boys life with things like hunting fishing spending time in the outdoors, I don't see any criminal intent on the father, seems life father was doing the right things for rural Georgia life. I would expect a father to do similar things in Texas, Tennessee, Wyoming, and other places like that.

  8. The usual suspects. He should have been home schooled. His Father knowingly brought him a gun, after being investigated by the FBI for threats at a previous school. Four people are dead because he couldn't be a Parent and not a Friend to his obvious sick child.

  9. If they start charging patents for their children’s crimes guess who will be most affected, why stop at gun crime theft, shoplifting, assault,car theft it’s a slippery slope take a guess who does it affect the most where do you draw the line.

  10. Why is the story word for word the same story as the michigan school shooter a few years back…SAME STORYYYYYY….. HAS THE BIDEN CREW REALLY LOST IT THAT FAR THEY ARE RECYCLING THE SHOOTER STORIES NOW…. WORD FOR WORDDDDD

  11. Org tua macam apa yg masa beli hadiah natal adalah sebuah senjata ? Trus engga masuk akal udah tahu ada undang2 kl beli senjata atau punya hak pemilikan senjata itu ada batas umurnya…masa anak umur 14 thn dikasih senjata api? Emang senjata api bohong2 an hah? Engga masuk akal…lagian satu yg terima hadiah masih dibawah umur, kedua kenapa tdk simpan di tempat aman dan tersembunyi dulu spy anak tdk tahu ? Ketiga alamak… Emang negara usa itu dalam keadaan perang smp anak dibawah umur dikasih senjata kaya ISIS aja yang mempersenjatai anak2, Keempat…apakah udag kehabisan mainan utk anak2 kah smp kasih hadiah senjata? Alamak…ubah tuh undang2 kepemilikan senjata skrg yg mana org yg boleh beli senjata itu umur 45 thn ke atas… Itupun tdk semua senjata boleh diperjual belikan..model2 tertentu aja..jangan jual senjata di muka umum model kaya rambo yg sekali jeder peluru banyak keluar…. Kalian negara maju aja masa tdk pikir sih bhw masa kasih anak dibawah umur main senjata ??? Kaya negara ISIS AJA yg anak kecil di suruh pegang senjata😮😮😮😮😮

  12. Could we also overlook the fact that this "kid" had murderous intentions, praying for him and the lost
    But, if this kid was in the inner city, they would've labeled him a monster. Prove me wrong. Js..

  13. thousands of comments i scrolled for ten minutes didn't see one person pouring their heart out to the kids. just ignorant comments, jokes and statments about parents. I PRAY FOR THEM KIDS I PRAY FOR THE VICTIMS I PRAY FOR THAT SCHOOL GOD BLESS THEM THIS IS DISCUSTING

  14. He gave his son an automatic? In this social environment when we have ghouls whispering in our ears?
    Maga this, Woke that… It is not the best time to be testing your morals when you're pissed off at the world.

  15. If parents gift their children guns they still need to be supervised when using them and locking them up when they aren't. And if he was being bullied the school does need to be investigated for that, but it is in no way an excuse for killing people. And the fact that he was a person that was flagged, he should have been monitored and his father should have taken away his gun. Sorry if I'm being Captain obvious, I'm just so sick about this. I totally believe in the 2nd amendment, but the responsibility of the parent, the school and the police that originally flagged him made this all preventable.

  16. 😢 Sad when a father buys his son a rifle to Hunt with him for that purpose only, and it's used for a crime.😲 Wow so a single mom gives her teenage son or daughter money they purchase a gun shoots innocent people, teenage charged as adult and mom is a victim.😢😢 Men need a fatherhood protection act

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