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Best Way To CCW As A Big Guy #citizenedge #concealedcarry #ccw #bigguy #plussize #stayready #shorts


Big People Carry Better!

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  1. I cant carry this way because my shirt always gets stuck on the grip of my gun. Only way I found to carry as a big guy comfortably is with the enigma holster. It's expensive as hell but well worth it, I can carry in my damn underwear now with the enigma system 10/10 recommend it.

  2. im fatter than you so i enlarge the pocket on my pants and just carry a smaller semi auto in a pocket type holster OR il have a sneaky pete cell phone holder looking type thing for tiny guns . I've been in places i felt i may need more so i even had a full size revolver in a big leather bag with the medical sign on it before i even had wires coming out going behind my belt looking a little like a battery pack for some kind of medical device . people look sure IDC .I've even been asked and say id rather not discuss it and people are cool . anything where people dont know its a gun is concealed

  3. I’m not a big guy but everyone on my dad’s side of the family are typically bigger men, huge respect sir. My dad would alasays tell me never be ashamed of your body . It’s yours

  4. would the rapid tuck be just as comfortable? I'm asking because i need a holster myself, and the comfort tuck i know would probably be comfy, but i like the size of the rapid tuck better, so wanted to ask before making my purchase.

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