Home AR-15 Trump Shooter's AR-15 Detailed Breakdown & Analysis: Everything You Need To Know

Trump Shooter's AR-15 Detailed Breakdown & Analysis: Everything You Need To Know


We take a look at the images the FBI released of Thomas Crook’s AR15 that he used to shoot President Trump and others in the crowd. How was it configured, what optic did he use, and did it fit in a backpack? Let’s find out!

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  1. I don't think that's a front rail, 4:28 on the image you show, the bikini hand stop is a 3 part deal, that front bit looks like it's the same material in the middle of the hand stop. I could be wrong though. If i am i'm sorry

  2. Is it possible that the rifle team in high school was denied from the class because of personality traits or having allegedly made threatening, bizarre comments previously? Instead the records reflect that he was inept to prevent accusations and suppositions. Just wondering.

  3. Have yet to see video of the shooter at the ridge . I've seen him prone about 8 ft below the ridge. The only thing he could see would be the water tower. He was not the shooter.

  4. Democrat shooter : we have a manifesto, social media history, chat logs, work history, ect.

    Republican shooter: motive is inconclusive…

    😅 im moderate but damn i hate both sides. Just a bunch of jokers

  5. I think what this boils down to is we're assuming a lot of information like this is the rifle that he used to be an assumption, the configuration has to be an assumption, the fact that regardless whether he trained at the range or not 150 yd shot with iron sights would have been an easy shot all day long.

    There's still so much information that's not adding up why you guys are reviewing these things I don't know but this is the second video I've seen since they released the picture.

    I do think what you reviewers are missing is the picture of the media focused on is how easy it was for him to put an AR-15 inside of a backpack so the focus you're going to see now are people worried about AR-15s being able to be broken down and concealed in such a small space. Put the focus where it needs to be because the media is focusing on the size they haven't mentioned it yet but they're going to, especially as soon as the politicians that call for gun control start bringing up that factor.

  6. I remember a time when a person could bring up YT and watch video after video of how to build your P80. Now, a creator can't even show how to remove a piece of plastic from an aluminum tube. We're doomed.

  7. I just wanna say thank you for all the time and effort and energy you’ve put into these videos detailing all the info about what happened. Your videos are the only ones I’ve seen that are comprehensive and understandable. Keep it up

  8. Has anyone noticed that virtually all of these shooting events, schools, Las Vegas and now this event are not followed up on. A week after the event the story is no longer covered. The JFK investigation went on for years. The Las Vegas shooting involved over 500 people and hardly a mention today.

  9. There were TWO shooters. One shooter taking the first three and Crooks taking the last five. You can hear the difference in shot sound and cadence. Crooks was the distraction for the professional. The fact that the FBI immediately started saying "one shooter" on every platform is attempt to cover things up. NO government is going to come to such a concrete collection of facts THAT QUICK. The fact that the FBI was washing down the roof immediately after Crooks was removed screams cover up. The fact that crooks body was cremated after a cursory autopsy (without the knowledge or orders of the coroner in charge) screams cover up. The fact that the "blood in the bathroom" per the Stewart film has been dismissed screams cover up. There were two shooters and Crooks' rifle setup fits precisely what one would expect for an expendable cover asset.
    Thank you for this in depth analysis. Appreciated.

  10. won't be long in some countries before watching content like this is a crime, let alone signing up to more dangerous sites with encryption and less government vetting or steering of content, beyond deploying counter content disinformation, bot armies and making example arrests

  11. Were is the bullet? Theres no bullet because that would mean the guy actually tried to kill trump. He was just shooting around him, the wound was a practical special effect blood cartridge hidden behind ear under makeup. Theres no bullet… theres no shrapnell… cause it was staged by trump to make a hero of himself in eyes of gullible anti democratic americans who already turned a blind eye to his previous attempt to steal ellections by providing fake ellectors and demanding Pence approves his fake electors and not the real ones and then he tried to storm the capitol when Pence refused because Pence is a god damn patriot.

  12. Please explain the bandaid on the ear and the fact that a few weeks later there was ZERO damage to Trumps ear, yet he's still telling people he was actually shot . Such a sad sad excuse of a man when people right behind him actually got there heads blown off 😔

  13. I disagree on the gas block needing any knowledge on how to install. There's enough video out there and information that you can literally know nothing about ar15s and put a kit together putting on a gas blok once the hand guard is off is pretty simple for even a simpleton. +There is nothing long range about 130 years that is red dot range.

  14. But lets all remember JFK was killed with a bolt action so this scary rifle is no different in its job to k.ll but the libs would have you think that this rifle k.lls all by it self. Its a tool just like a hammer and the difference is who's hands its in so its not the gun its a mental issue but libs will have you believe its the scary black gun

  15. My big question is why was he cremated? Why was his body released to the family at ANY point? That shouldn't be their choice to make. When he chose to do what he did he stopped being property of his family imo.

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