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I'm just looking at how much in upgrades & modifications would it take to make the $400 gun MATCH the $4k gun. Like they tied in ammo, so fit & finish then change the trigger. I too believe you could have a $4k gun for under $1200 or even sub $1k.
The optic wasn't even zero'd?? You really didn't give these rifles their truest potential then
If I paid 4K for a ar15, I’d be staring at it all day because I’d have no more money to spend on ammo to shoot the gun.
We must remember they sellers also

I love my radical, Gets you on the AR platform. All kitted out ( i want an eotech cant justify spending more of a sight than i did on the rifle ) mines about $1000 and i mean it makes me happy
Spending more than $800 on a AR you didn’t build yourself is wild… My ARP is about $3k in parts. They would sell it for $7k
Thumbs down cause that is not the right price for the budget one. Reviewers need to stop lying about the price.
In Finland all AR-15 are premium priced.
Got a radical for 500 bucks. Added the radian charging handle and ambi safety set for 100 and a geissle g2s for 90. Once bolt goes out I’ll swap it for a Bcm and it’s just as good as the 4k rifle without the fancy name. It’s all about training and spending money on ammo
Again I haven’t had a chance to shoot a high end AR but I use an RF-15 with B5 furniture and came with ambi safety and it’ll shoot brass and steel case no problem,, I don’t deal with any jams and have put about 1.2k rounds thru it
will say I did change out the trigger for a rave 140 and put in a JP co. Buffer spring and it feels better but i would definitely trust the RF if SHTF.. but doesn’t mean I’ll turn down a $4k gun tho if given the opportunity 
Be interested to see what they each shoot with 62 and 55 grain. Cheap and average of each as most of us weekend gomers shoot cheap to mid price 55 and 62 grain.
You guys are keeping the ball rolling at “Classic firearms”
Wheres the bust your build videos?
Try Hornady Varmint express 223 55 grain !
$3600 extra bucks for a nicer fit & finish ??
No significant difference in performance or accuracy ??
No thanks. I'll buy three more $400 models and 12,000 rounds of ammo with the savings.
Challenge accepted. I built my lad rifle with 192 bucks
I personally have an AR-15 radical that same exact rifle, and my MOA's are way closer groupings he was pulling shots on purpose. You can even see him shifting his hand to a new location. The only thing i have different on mine is an ambidextrous charging handle. Everything else is milspec. I have the same vertical grip, a light/lazer 2in1 iron sights, and a green dot sight!
Does carbine or mid length gas system affect shooting? especially with a 16” I’m new to the ar15 platform and I’m not sure if I should go mid length or carbine.
I have had zero issues 400 rounds in with my Radical. Great rifle!
I have the radical with the mhr handguard it's just a little bigger in diameter I have shot well over 3,000 rounds so far without any issues I have a replacement barrel if needed but right now the grouping hasn't changed so no need for a new barrel yet. I strongly recommend radical to any new gun owner or someone wanting to build on a budget
1st of all the LMT is only 3k, and considering the ingenuity they developed with their BCG, gas system, ambi lower, and monolithic rail I'd say that they are well worth it. Better than the $5k knights fan boys are paying.
I love it! I’m new to the 2 A club. I have 2 AR’s Anderson Manufacturing and ACI. Combined I’ve spent over $1100. Buddy of mine has DDM7 spent over 2k. I couldn’t tell the difference. No issue what so ever. Price doesn’t matter if you can trust it with your life. If you can afford it buy it. I’m happy with my purchase and I’m sure the more I shoot. I’ll see the difference with more experience. Right now I trust both rifles.
A new vinyl finish is a great way to enhance the look of your rifle at an affordable price.
Anderson >
It's good to know that a Radical is trustworthy for a budget gun. Thanks for your honest opinions too!
In my experience, budget can be "just as good," but not for as long. I like both.
This topic has been done before. Be original. You gun guys running out of content.
You’re not really seeing a good comparison in ONE day at the range. But take them both into harsh environments in battle for a year. You will understand then.
Helpful info, thanks
I am about to get into a $400 one, great job by the algo lol
Just bought my first Anderson for $380. Looking forward to running it into the ground and slowly upgrading from there. Interesting video idea might be best functional upgrades at this price point? Either way, good video.
That's not the red dot and magnifier on the rifles at the range
My only ar isa Radical. Shoots just fine. I'm going to change the butt as I've decided it just doesn't fit me right. Going to get that b5 one in the vid i think. Iron sites on it but am about to put some optic on it. Still deciding which. Probably a 3x prism and offset dot
Mine is budget version.
Lmt win
Loose tolerances is what makes the AK and US Military rifles so durable. If you drop it or run over it with a Hummer (showing my age) or a truck it will still run. A tight non rattle gun does not mean it sucks. It means it can take a beating and still run. Tell your Girlfriend James that Caniks are the best handguns out there even though he is sponsored by CLOCK cock
Well; I would consider a $900~1200 AR-15 to be a "budget" AR
(NOT including what someone may have cobbled together in their garage.)
Start going south of that and you increasing one's chances of an AR-15 that works every time, 60% of the time
Start going south of that
My wife has a Radical Firearms rifle similar to this one. She loves it. At age 71 I'm sure it will out last her. lol
It really comes down to what you're using the AR-15 for. A budget build can still be reliable for the average shooter, but if you're looking for precision and durability in high-stress situations, the high-end options definitely have their place.
Love my Radical. It’s my first AR and I’m impressed so far.
Love my RF!
4K is crazy for any 5.56 gun even piston, sprear lt, pof, lwrc, brn-180, pws, there are a lot of piston guns for a lot less than 4K. For a DI gun I don’t think I’d spend more than 1600 and that would be for the pof di gun since you’re actually getting technological improvements and better materials.
Psa lower, BCM upper seems like the perfect Value to me. Most of the bullet/recoil stabilizing technology is in the upper. Besides the buffer tube
Great video!!!
I bet you can't tell which one hits you if you get shot by both