Looking for an affordable alternative to the Eotech 558 and G33 magnifier combo? Check out our initial review of a budget-friendly clone! We break down the features, performance, and overall value of this optic setup. Perfect for those on a budget or looking for a cheaper option for their AR-15. Watch now for our honest review!
Get an in-depth review of the budget Eotech 558 clone and see if it’s worth your money. We’ll break down its features and compare it to the real Eotech 558, so you can make an informed decision before purchasing. Check out our initial review now!
Budget Optic Breakdown: Eotech 558 Clone Initial Review @HUNTIT_outdoors
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I have problems with the optic draining my batteries
once I turn it off and try using it again. Any ideas how to fix it?
Is this satire?
Is this a reflex sight or is it as advertised an actual holographic sight? The advertising is confusing since it calls it both. I'm only asking because I have an astigmatism and red tot reflex sights give my eyes a starburst effect.
wtf? you have the rear buis on the front of the gun and the front sight on the rear. and backwards too
Great video and i too am curious to know how this holds up and what it actually looks like from a pov perspective. Also just curious as to why you have your back up iron sights on that psa .300 blk out reversed ? For one the that front sight should be in the rear by the charging handle flipped around and the rear should be the one in front. Am i the only one who noticed this?
Hey man I like the vids so far. I just subscribed. What I love is that you inform us about various value based options out there BUT my only criticism is that you don’t actually review the product at times. I think footage of how the optic looks from your POV with the go pro would be beneficial . Thanks bro
I’m going win that backpack
Another great video, Im very interested on how that clone holds up. Thank again for your reply when I asked a question about Radical firearms 7.72×39 rifle. Thanks I enjoyed the video please continue to give s great videos,