Home AR-15 What Makes AR-15 the Perfect Weapon

What Makes AR-15 the Perfect Weapon


The AR-15 is one of the most loved and hated rifles in the world. Often referred to as the “America’s Rifle” after seeing heavy use in the Vietnam War, and undergoing numerous make-overs, this firearm still stands the test of time. Join us as we unravel the captivating history of AR-15 as seen through the eyes of its creator, and the soldiers who took this rifle to the battlefield.


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  1. Walmart is pulling their stores out of States that banned AR15 style rifles, these states also have some of the highest taxes and gas prices in the nation , Amazon was blocked from building a warehouse in one of these States and Tesla move out of another.

  2. Any nation like ours that has roving packs of feral hogs showing up from California to Florida has at least one defensibke potential domestic use of life-and-death importance.

  3. The US is NOT a Democracy. Everyone says this, but it is a fallacy. Example: The current Presidential Elections coming up. We have an Electoral College, which does not have to do what We The People vote for and even if they do, the majority can/has lost the election. We are a Federal Constitutional Republic. We protect the minorities from the Majority. Ergo, we have the Antithesis of a Democracy. We have a DICTATOR in the form of The US Constitution, meaning, we have a piece of "paper" that has Total Power.

  4. The AWB of 1994 IS the reason this rifle is so popular

    It's just human nature.
    When the government says we can't have somthing that alone makes everyone want that somthing 😂
    You would think they would learn but no..
    They are the best gun salesmen on earth…
    Well Joe Biden is at least…
    Any else notice the record gun sales as soon as he started running ?

  5. Nice to see you mentioned the AR means Armalite and not assault weapon. I've brought new shooters or people who were interested in trying out firearms and let them start on a pistol. First something like a .22lr and then to a comped 9mm. From there I move onto rifles. They usually think the AR-15 is going to be scary even after seeing the difference between the 9mm and .223. But after shooting it, it quickly becomes one of their favorites to shoot. Had one shoot a bolt action .308 and they hated how much it recoiled and didn't want to try a shotgun.

  6. Between its balance of weight, ergonomics, capacity, reliability and modularity the modern AR is dominating the US civilian market.

    The current reporting and politics of the US have collectively turned this tool into the feared boogeyman of firearms. Mostly built on emotions and a push for control has the AR received so much attention in the media.

  7. Personally I don't think it's the best rifle. I believe the reason people like it so much is because of all the personalization that can be done and the lower recoil varmint round it uses. That seems to be what I hear from people. Mostly the what all they have added to it.

  8. It was about $600 dollars to make my Ar-15 from the Lower receiver from the ground up, I never was happy with it, I have shot thousands of rounds through this gun every chance I got, down at bureau of land management Land at Piney Creek out of Coulterville, CA, a 22 caliber small game cartridge meant for raccoons, and coyotes. Not Full grown men, .223 Remington is a 5.56x45mm, Compare that to a .30-06 Springfield which is a 7.62x63mm shell? Or .308 Winchester which is a 7.62x51mm! I loved the 30-06 M1 Garand, and BAR, and the .308 win M14 and Hk PTR-91! I still cannot stand a 22 caliber assault weapon, I have had this Firearm for over a decade, and milled the Lower Receiver out myself, thoroughly Memorized this gun. But still it makes me feel like I'm going to battle with a .22 Longrifle rimfire! I know .223 Remington is 3240 feet per second with a 55 gainer, yes its much faster than a rimfire, but wheres the knock down? There's no knock down. The Ar15 is Not the Perfect weapon, it is a small game round, Not medium game round, and Not large game round, but small game round. I have hated this gun for over a decade because of this, yet I cannot afford a bigger gun? I just have complete Anger and Fury! And that this is what dems want to ban? How disgusting, a tiny round they want to ban, what about the guns that have ten times more lethality? And besides that, this gun has a gas key instead of a gas operation push rod like on an Ak47 which can fire for like all day. In other words the more you fire this gun the more the bolt gets gummed up with Burnt carbon, Why is it the Americans can only fire a bandolier or two and then the gun is jamming, where as the enemies gun can fire all day long? I hate this gun! Who was Ugene Stoner of Armalite? was he working for Michael Kalashnikov to make a gun that jams for the Americans, that has little to no knock down, while the enemy can fire their 7.62x39mm Ak's all day long while the Americans perish? While Americans have to pop out the rear take down pin, and pull back charge bar to remove bolt carrier, Then pull out firing pin retainer pin, then firing pin, the twist bolt cam pin half way, then pull out bolt cam pin, then pull bolt out, then use a carbon scraper to scrape the burnt carbon off of the bolt, then Reassemble the Bolt carrier, all at the same time of being shot at under fire, by an enemy that has a gun that can fire all day long without jamming and shoots the larger 7.62x39mm?

  9. The AR-15 is distinct from a weapon used in warfare. It would put someone at a disadvantage in battle. Despite its military appearance, it is not intended for combat. Though it resembles a war weapon, it only fires a single round per trigger pull.

  10. During the 1994-2004 assault weapons ban:

    In the years after the assault weapons ban went into effect, the number of deaths from mass shootings fell, and the increase in the annual number of incidents slowed down. Even including 1999’s Columbine High School massacre – the deadliest mass shooting during the period of the ban – the 1994 to 2004 period saw lower average annual rates of both mass shootings and deaths resulting from such incidents than before the ban’s inception.

    From 2004 onward:

    The data shows an almost immediate – and steep – rise in mass shooting deaths in the years after the assault weapons ban expired in 2004.

    Breaking the data into absolute numbers, between 2004 and 2017 the average number of yearly deaths attributed to mass shootings was 25, compared with 5.3 during the 10-year tenure of the ban and 7.2 in the years leading up to the prohibition on assault weapons.

    Imagine that.

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