Home StreamLight Best Upgrade for Streamlight TLR-7 (A/X/HLX/Sub) Compact Weapon Light

Best Upgrade for Streamlight TLR-7 (A/X/HLX/Sub) Compact Weapon Light


Overview of the Emissary Development Paddle Shifter – our favorite upgrade for the TLR-7 light series.

Products in Video:
– Emissary Paddle Shifters
Streamlight TLR-7A
Streamlight TLR-7 Sub

Paddle Shifters Compatability List:
Streamlight TLR7-A
Streamlight TLR7X
Streamlight TLR7 Sub
Streamlight TLR9
Streamlight TLR8-A
Streamlight TLR10

All firearms were unloaded, cleared, and made safe before filming.

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  1. These a very good on my M&P 2.0 Compact. They are honestly terrible on my P365XL. Its not a ding on their aftermarket paddles at all. Its just that the light already sits so close to your hand because of how short (from front to back) the trigger guard is, its gets way too crammed in a very small area. For what it's worth I wear Mechanix Gloves in size XXL so yeah my hands don't help at all. Good product though.

  2. so if a combination works best why not sell it like that as a 2 pack and not a 4 pack? i don't have another tlr7. buying two sets would be a waste.

    especially considering the switches are not ambidexterous. i would have no use for the other half of the sets unless i give them to a lefty.

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