Home StreamLight Streamlight ProTac 2 AAA: Perfect EDC and SHTF Flashlight

Streamlight ProTac 2 AAA: Perfect EDC and SHTF Flashlight


This is a review of the Streamlight ProTac 2 AAA. It has quickly become my favorite flashlight as it is so light and versatile. On a scale of 1 to 10, I give it an 11! Definitely pick on up!!!


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  1. The Stylus Pro is a great flashlight. In fact, it is the next flashlight on my list to buy. I want one with the blue light to go into my medical kit so that I can identify blood at night in case I or someone else was injured.
    I'm glad you got one that works for you! Blessings, brother!

  2. I ended up going with the Stylus Pro. I was really close to buying the one you got though. The pocked clip location was the deal breaker for me. The Pro Tac just extended out of my pocket a bit too far for comfort. Thanks for the review dude. Helped me a lot when I was trying to narrow down the one I wanted!

  3. I've seen these before. Nutnfancy did a review a few years ago. I may pick one up in the near future. I haven't because of the cost. It is roughly twice the price of the Protac 2. You should do a review of it giving your unique thoughts. I know I would watch it 🙂 Blessings, buddy!

  4. Great light! You should check out the Preon P2. It's been my edc for a while now, amazing light.

    Low: 2.2 OTF Lumens, 23 hours
    Medium: 22 OTF Lumens, 6 hours
    High: 160 OTF Lumens, 0.8 hours
    Beacon (Hi)
    Beacon (Lo)
    Length: 5.05 inches
    Diameter: 0.55 inches
    Weight: 0.8 ounces

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