Kamala Harris Vice President pick Tim Walz stated “I spent 25 years in the Army and I hunt. I’ve been voting for common sense legislation that protects the Second Amendment, but we can do background checks. We can research the impacts of gun violence. We can make sure those weapons of war, that I carried in war, are only carried in war”
Tim Walz’s humble bragging about going to war when he never saw combat is diabolical.
For some reason, Tim Walz thinks his veteran status gives him super sayin’ authority over the Constitution to tell citizens what they can and can’t use to protect themselves.
What makes him look even dumber is that an AR-15 is not a weapon used in war!
Tim, I, the rest of the gun community, and anyone who understands the Second Amendment don’t care about what you carried in a war you never fought in when you’re trying to use your service to infringe on constitutional rights.
Second Amendment inside Rifle (AR-15s are protected by the 2nd Amendment design)
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Here the real question. How do we get black people to not vote for a black person. Thats what the demos are doing with putting kamahalla hamamlla in the running because they KNOW she will get all the black votes like oboma did and ALL the black and Hispanic votes + 20 or 30% of the white votes spells real trouble for us. Im not sure we are going to be able to pull this out now
Ban pants because he wore them (I'm hoping) in the army.
He never went to war, never carried a rifle in war, the AR-15 has never been a military rifle of ANY nation and was designed specifically for the civilian market……….
Is the AR15 anything like the M4 though? I don’t think the two are even comparable!
He will also ban the rifles and hand guns are forebearers brought to war?
Enemy domestic
It’s not the same gun… simple and plain..
Well i want to keep mine in case of a war.
Walz is what is deemed as a "Senator's Son"…
That means his Participation in War is a Big, Fat ZER0.
Get used to fighting, because she's going to win. I hate it, but she is.
Walz served in the Atropian conflict.
Tim walz is as much as a soldier as i am the president of the roman empire.
"Walz's humble bragging about going to war when he never saw combat is diabolical"
More despicable than diabolical, but ok to diabolical additionally.
As a Solder in the US Army they don't give you 22.cal weapons to go up against real weapons. It's a semi-automatic rifle . The M-16 is a standard issue for military service. But you know that . Right ? You was all there
Thank you for continuing to fight for our rights!
Don't you mean an M16 .
He had 2 years left on his contract E9 sergeant major of a battalion when his unit got deployed he bailed on them
"Your time in the national guard should have taught you empathy for the civilians and their need for an AR-15"
That's assuming anyone who served in the national guard has or still has their functioning prefrontal to understand this in comparison to those who were active duty and deployed to operations. My family (unfortunately) had served in the national guard and can't even remember anything they've learned from it since their time served, and they were both majors. They don't know the weapons, the designations or even at least one thing in the officer's handbook they carried. There's a HUGE difference between national guard and active duty, and that major contrast definitely involves the fundamentals of the amendments. It's unfortunate that the military is so contrasted between branches that you can tell the politics and thought processes apart by what branch they served in. Marines + Active Duty army tend to lean more conservative. Navy and Air Force as well as Natl Guard, depending on station, tend to lean more left wing and don't care about the constitution.
What do they have against reciprocal carry. Makes no sense at all.
Fuckin pyro
The AR15 is not a weapon of war! , and he never carried a weapon into war! He is a Liar. Respect the judgement of SCOTUS and support our civil rights.
Umm, Colion Noir for President! I'm for that.
The M-16 and M4 are technically versions of the AR-15's by definition… I've seen a select fire transferable with both a Colt M-16 AND an Armalite-15 stamp on it. I've even seen one that has semi-burst-auto on the selector… I don't mean to nitpick your videos, but I know how liberals think (I live in Palm Beach) and little technicalities like that they pounce on.