Home StreamLight This Compact LIGHT is BRIGHT! – TLR-7 HL-X Streamlight Review

This Compact LIGHT is BRIGHT! – TLR-7 HL-X Streamlight Review


New Streamlight TLR-7 HL-X Compact Weaponlight Review

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The TLR-7 HL-X weapon mounted light is the best compact light for concealed carry and home defense. In this review from Nightwood Guns, we will compare this small weapon light to see how it performs in a concealed carry, self defense, home defense, and even duty role.

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  1. If you want something that is close to this output, but has better battery life the SIG Foxtrot 2R has 1.5 hr of battery life. I have both that and the HL-X and while the output is better on the HL-X, the 2R isn’t a slouch.

  2. QVO Tactical also has holster options for DS 1911/2011's utilizing the new TLR-7 HL-X.

    I recently went on a shopping spree trying to locate holster options with a WML for my new [2024] BUL Armory SAS2 EDC. Either the new Modlite PL-350C and/or the new Streamlight TLR-7 HL-X. Hence, our previous discussion pertaining to BUL Armory holsters and weapon lights (or lack thereof).

    'Tis a shame that T1C has become so lazy and complacent. They will always be my go-to for holsters. Unfortunately, (like Glock) they have been resting on their laurels for far too long.

    Nevertheless, I find it oddly coincidental that we tend to mirror each other. IDK if this is an Arizonan thing or simply – "Great minds think alike."

    Regardless of the aforementioned, I always appreciate your input, Brett. And speaking of Modlite PL-350C: perhaps you could requisition one from Modlite Systems for T&E. I prefer the aesthetics of the new PL-350 Compact versus the competitors.

    Although, I cannot argue with the overall usefulness of this new HL-X. Of course, I will inevitably acquire both WMLs, but it's always nice to see a review from a trusted source.

    As always..

    Stay classy my friend.

  3. I'm a fan of inforce usa cheaper and great customer service the wild 1 is great compact and the wild 2 is great as a duty light there light color is better than streamlight and the trl7 sub has broken already than screw broke they sent a baggy full of parts so that's dope but I've never had a olight valkerie fail or my inforce . I just upgraded from my aplc that was on my gun for like 10 years sent it in and they sending wild 1 and im stoked .

  4. I bought a TLR7 HLX as an upgrade from the TLR1 HL, and shortly after I purchased an X300TB and i love it. As a bigger dude the longer light carries better in my opinion. Also I have been shot at before when i didn't have a CCW and i replay that scenario when it comes to my carry they X300T would have been excellent compared to the HLX
    Also WERKZ has holsters available as well

  5. I've been debating this myself. I am debating actually using the more compact lights on my full sized guns too. I just don't feel the need to have the giant X300 on my gun. I own 3 of them, but thinking about just sizing down.

  6. Right now I don't EDC a weapon light, I do carry a flashlight that I am comfortable using with my handgun. I can also use the flashlight for finding things at work, and I can't do that with a weapon mounted light very comfortably. Generally when I am out it is daylight. When I am out at night there are usually streetlights or lights on buildings and I won't be searching in dark alleys for anyone. I do have a weapon light on my bedside shotgun at home, where I am when it is dark. I don't have anything against a weapon mounted light for EDC, and I will probably try one this year, the HL-X looks very cool, but not sure how I will justify the added bulk for minimal use.

  7. I have two as well. The black and fde versions. Game changer imo because I also have 4 x300's but they are huge in comparison. As long as the HLX is durable it will be a permanent change.

  8. I went from tlr7 to x300 and once I found it’s more comfortable and just as easy to conceal, streamlight switches are far superior (imo)

    Just like Glock, I feel invested in the x300. All my holsters are set up with x300.

    One day I’ll get away from Glocks! I 🤣

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