Home AR-15 AK-74 Bullet Vs AR-15 Bullet #gun #ammo #civtac

AK-74 Bullet Vs AR-15 Bullet #gun #ammo #civtac

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  1. The 5.56x45mm and 5.45x39mm are use in multiple different firearms. Like for example the SCAR-L or Hk416. The 5.45 on the other hand only is compatible with a few firearms like the AK-74N, AKS-74U, and RPK-16. Hope you guys learned something new today!

  2. Do you know there is a difference between a 223 in the 556 not because one is NATO and the other ones is American the velocity is a little bit different little bit more greater in the 556 then the 223
    I’m tired of people trying to hand me 223 and tell me it’s the same as the 556 it’s not

  3. 5.45 is better. Specially the Russian standard 7n6. I'd rather get hit with green tip rather then 7n6. Both will kill but If you've seen what 7n6 will do you would agree, it's just Nasty. Also 5.45 was designed for a 20" berrel and 5.45 was designed for 16" berrel.

  4. Um… bullet length does NOT equate to bullet weight… officially the 5.45×39 has a 53gr bullet and the 5.56 NATO has a 62gr bullet. US made 5.45×39 ammo is all over the board, but the real thing is 53gr. Two different theories with each cartridge projectile. Read up before you post a video. 😉

  5. The boat tail design of the 5.45 is nice and aids in bc. But the boat tail is more sensitive to external factors which can easily negate the benefits that it offers.

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