Home AR-15 Video shows shooter at Trump rally moments before assassination attempt

Video shows shooter at Trump rally moments before assassination attempt


Former President Donald Trump was the target of an assassination attempt at a Pennsylvania rally Saturday that set off panic as a bloodied Trump was surrounded by Secret Service and hurried into his vehicle.

A former fire chief attending the rally with family was killed, as was the gunman. Two other people were critically wounded.

The Associated Press obtained video showing the shooter on a rooftop moments before the attack.

Signs of trouble were evident in the minutes before shots rang out at Donald Trump’s rally in Pennsylvania: Police had a report of a suspicious man pacing near the magnetometers and were apparently exchanging photos of the suspect.

Witnesses pointed and shouted at an armed man on a nearby roof.

When a police officer climbed up to the roof to investigate, the gunman turned and pointed his rifle at him. But the officer did not — or could not — fire a single shot.

A sniper cut down 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks within seconds of him firing an AR-style rifle toward the former president, but it was too late.

Now investigators are trying to painstakingly piece together how an armed man with no military background managed to reach high ground and get the jump on teams of Secret Service agents.

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  1. Yeah…. Something’s rotten in Denmark. The secret service which runs one of the highest tech most secure perimeters around current and former POTUS in the world is going to allow an untrained pimply faced kid to take position and get shots off inside 150 yds on an exposed rooftop none the less?? And then miss by mm’s?


  2. Please remove this video as it belongs to my nephew who is a minor as he is the true & only copyright owner of this video. It was obtain and shared online illegally and without parental consent. You have given credit to this “DJ Laughery” and we have no clue who that is or how he obtained this video. My family has acquired legal representation so please remove all publications where this video has been used. Thank you.

  3. Once the officer was notified why didn't he call in the deadly shooter why didn't a swarm off officials take him down like they do any typical situation That right there tells you everything They pretended to go investigated and claimed the officer who peeked at him dropped down because shooter aimed at him why didn't SS shoot him they were watching everything Why did shooter get shot after Trump took cover 🤔

  4. This is absolutely unbelievable! I’m from UK and we don’t have cops carry guns like the USA unless sent out especially trained for such occurrences, so this shocks me even more seeing a cop stroll by and do nothing 🤦‍♀️ you would think security would be around all nearby buildings like this too !

  5. Mind boggling how the secret service didn't see him, cops did nothing about it, Trump wasn't taken off the podium…..so much was done wrong. WHY, because it was an inside job! He failed though and Trump is alive! Truth always surfaces so we'll find out who exactly was behind this. This world is so messed up, it's sad!

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