The aftermath of the shootout on former US president Donald Trump at rally in Pennsylvania the FBI investigations revealed 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks as the shooter the as assailant is reported to have used an AR15 rifle but what exactly is the AR15 rifle?
#trump #trumprally #worldnews
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Thank you for your mostly correct and fair reporting…. Good facts about the AR that is often missed by American reporters..
Why did it sound like little pops when he was shot?
To the content producer: I believe you made an honest attempt to deliver a good report. HOWEVER, you missed badly! No fault of yours, but info is fractured, confused, and largely inaccurate. You attempted a good thread full report, but facts didn't line up! Still, I am impressed that you approached the story journalistically. TY!
How come there is no pictures of the rifle ? The rifle was his Father's rifle, and 11 years old.
Why do you keep showing all these AK-47's and Bump Stocks ??
You guys dont know about the AR-15 or any rifles lol the pictures were part AKs not even ARs