Home AR-15 Trump rally shooting: Map shows where shooter was stationed

Trump rally shooting: Map shows where shooter was stationed


A map outlines the area where Trump’s campaign rally took place and where it’s believed the shooter was at the time of the event.

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  1. So what was it fox new cus eye witness say he was 250 yards away according to your map he’s less then that. Can’t believe everything fox says there’s a reasons why they got sued and lost.

  2. 2 questions? First, how did he get so close when SS is supposed secure everything within 1000 ft? Secondly, why when police were notified before shooter took shots was Trump not secured immediately and shooter not taken down till after he took shots at Trump? Seems fishy to me? 🤔

  3. After looking at the maps– buildings– water tower– location of President Trump–
    Who in the hell set up the security for this event???
    The shooter was @414 FEET away from President Trump on the only elevated structure around except for the water tower!!!
    * Why wasn't there a security guard on that roof??
    *Why weren't there security guards on the water tower??
    *Reports now say a police officer confronted the shooter before the shooting??
    *Why in the hell were these positions not covered only 414 FEET AWAY??????
    Who was the police officer that confronted the shooter?? And why did tge police officer back down and allow an unknown person with a rifle on the roof 414 FEET AWAY?????

  4. Hey turmp man…..

    we're really with
    you uh as much as anybody can be it's a
    very terrible thing that happened
    and uh it's just horrible to see that
    happening that's just horrible so
    surprising to see it here but
    uh have to get over it we have to move
    forward we have to move forward….. wonder if hes saying the same thing to himself as he did when he adressed the iowa school shooting.

  5. MENTAL HEALTH AND BULLYING – My brother was handicapped and bullied every day in school. I lived with him and witnessed what it did to him. He had a heart condition on top of looking different. He was a straight A student. He was a kind soul and I always gave him support at home. It changed my life, and I know that adults and children can be vicious from being bullied. Everything that happened here in this historical day is about “bullying.” Kids are not born vicious, they are taught through their home life sometimes, parents, their environment, bullies at school, and teachers that do nothing about it. Our schools need to change – BULLIES NEED TO BE EXPELLED FROM SCHOOLS. This is a "mental health issue" in our schools. I went back to college for a second time for literature. I am writing a novel about how kids should treat each other, and their environment. I hope I can make a difference – even if it is a small difference!

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