Home AR-15 Why Did the Supreme Court Turn Its Back On AR-15 Owners? Justice...

Why Did the Supreme Court Turn Its Back On AR-15 Owners? Justice Thomas Speaks Out!


The Supreme Court has once again declined to review the Illinois law banning semi-automatic rifles and Standard-capacity magazines.

Now, why did the Supreme Court refuse to hear this case?

Justice Thomas expressed his disappointment in the denial, emphasizing the importance of the issues at hand.

In his statement, Justice Thomas said, ‘The AR-15 is the most popular semi-automatic rifle in America and is therefore undeniably in common use today.

He criticized the Seventh Circuit’s decision, stating that it ‘illustrates why this Court must provide more guidance on which weapons the Second Amendment covers.

He pointed out the Court’s past recognition that the Second Amendment extends to ‘all instruments that constitute bearable arms, even those that were not in existence at the time of the founding.

However, he noted that there’s still a lack of a comprehensive framework for evaluating restrictions on types of weapons.

Thomas didn’t hold back, calling out the Seventh Circuit’s logic. He said, ‘The AR-15 is a civilian, not military, weapon. No army in the world uses a service rifle that is only semiautomatic.’ He also highlighted that Illinois’ ban is ‘highly suspect because it broadly prohibits common semiautomatic firearms used for lawful purposes.’

So, what does this mean for our Second Amendment rights? Well, by refusing to hear this case, the Supreme Court has basically left the Seventh Circuit’s decision in place, at least for now.

This means Illinois can continue enforcing its ban on ‘semi-auto rifles,’ which concerns me because it sets a precedent that could gas up other states to enact their own Assault weapon bans because they’ll see it as open season on Semi-Auto Rifles and Standard Capacity Magazines.

Whatever you do, don’t ever let anyone tell you the Second Amendment doesn’t protect your right to own an AR15.

If there is one gun on this planet that the Second Amendment protects, it is absolutely the AR-15.

Not because the AR-15 was specifically what the framers had in mind when the Second Amendment was drafted, but because the framers were thinking about how to protect the people’s right to own the most effective tool to preserve this free state and protect themselves.

At that time, that tool was the musket, and today, that musket is the AR-15.

So Yes, AR-15s are Protected by the Second Amendment.

“A Regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.”

It didn’t say only handguns; it said ARMS.

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Let me know your thoughts on this recent Supreme Court decision in the comments.

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  1. for at least the last 20 years gun violence has been at least less than 15% of what it was during the 60's on thru to the year 2000. For those 20 years it's been going down every year. If you need proof, read the local news of every newspaper publication that was in the U.S. during those years "more than 450", You will find that there was an actual school shooting almost every week somewhere in the U.S. .They mostly kept it out of nation news, so most of the time you got info on it only if you lived in the area. Today everyone gets the info as it happens or just after, giving the illusion that it's happening more. IT'S NOT AN OPINION IT'S A FACT THAT A BAN ON WHATS BEEN WRONGFULLY CALLED "ASSAULT WEAPONS" WILL ONLY LEAD TO THE END OF CITIZENS RIGHT TO VOTE. IF WE CAN'T VOTE, WE CAN'T HOLD ON TO FREE SPEECH

  2. Every car enthusiast should own a drill press capable of milling. You never know when you might have to make a part that becomes unavailable. Much like the owner of a Model-T down the street.

  3. So should plaintiffs ask the lower courts when they deny our rights if the decision is final… this could allow the Supreme Court then to address the issue. Your thoughts?

  4. When Kamala is put in office the ban will go nation wide. Obama is coming back to power (he never left power just publicly) after America is destroyed in their "build back better" order world new (reverse that for the YouTube censors)

  5. Prolly for the same reasons republicans only verbally criticize the obvious blatant worst criminals in the country and allow them to destroy the country while pretending as if they oppose them . Seems pretty obvious to me. Thats prolly why .

  6. Of course, the anti-2A advocates are going to spin the SCOTUS denial into, "See these laws are Constitutional…". But anyone that actually reads the decision will see SCOTUS only denied the cases because they are still working their way through the lower courts and SCOTUS essentially told the lower courts to get their heads out of their behinds.

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