Home StreamLight Streamlight – The Right Tools

Streamlight – The Right Tools


Visit www.streamlight.com for the most up-to-date product information.

Drop Zone’s Greg Zipadelli and Hal Shaffer know you need to have the right tools for the job, whether you’re in the garage or in the woods. Greg is working under the hood with the Knucklehead®, and Hal discusses the TLR-1® Game Spotter™.

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  1. I've noticed that there's less negative comments about streamlight weapons lights as there use to be. I mean some individuals use to trash their products for simply being made in China, but they are assembled in the U.S. and I've mounted three on my glock 19 and 23 and one on my sig320c, as well on my ar15 and my ar9 carbines. And after fireing at least 900 rounds or more with the lights attached, I have not experienced any issues with any of them. And all have and continue to funtion well. And I see no reason to change to anything else. And until something better comes along at that price point, I'll continue to use them.

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