Home AR-15 Red Dot vs Scope – How to Choose an Optic for Your...

Red Dot vs Scope – How to Choose an Optic for Your AR-15


You have an AR-15 and need to decide whether you’re going to choose a red dot sight or a scope. In today’s video, we’ll introduce both the magnified scope and the red dot optic and will help you decide which one is best for your AR.
To see the video with accompanying text and images, please see:

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  1. Here is what I think the biggest problem with red dots are, the lack of options for a center reticle. most people such as myself included, want something other then just a dot for aiming such as a bdc, t-dot, acss, horseshoe, cross hair dot, and of course the circle dot, etc. just to name a few. Once again people like me included, just can't see spending that kind of money for just a dot. yeah! battery life makes up for allot, but there is also the absolute needed for shake awake feature, and auto off as well as a good daylight bright reticle, that should in my opinion all be standard features on all dot style sights. Optic manufacturer's and retailers expects to pay hundreds of dollars for a dot sight, but then do not want to offer any features. I would rather run irons then pay hundreds of dollars for an optic without being offered many of those features dot style optic have come along way over the last several years. There is no reason those options should not be available. Besides being a truck driver for well over 20 yes (retired) I know for a fact that very few of any optic are actually 100% made in the U.S.A. parts yeah, but not all. Anyway great content it was educational.

  2. Great video. I think a good follow-up vid would be LPVO vs Red Dot vs Prism Optic. Based on this video, I think you could explain the differences and not overwhelm the newbs getting into the AR15 platform.

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