Home AR-15 Bear Creek Arsenal 608N 16″ Midlength upper full review

Bear Creek Arsenal 608N 16″ Midlength upper full review


A former US Army infantryman does a complete tabletop and 100yd precision shooting review of the incredibly high value @Bear_Creek_Arsenal 608N 16″ midlength upper.

Link to items in video:
BCA 608N Upper:

Vortex Venom 1-6×24 LPVO:

Vortex Sport 2″ offset mount for Venom LPVO:

Jag Composites severe duty carbon fiber handguards:

Use 15% off discount code at checkout (handguards only): FreedomByMe
Sylvan Arms 3rd Gen Armory SOPMOD stock:

Sylvan Arms lightweight buffer tube:

CVLIFE MLOK/sling swivel bipod:

Get your Surplus Army-navy gear here:

#BCA #bearcreekarsenal #midlength #ar15 #carbine #accurate #review #accuracy #infantryman #tabletop #rifle #precision #highvalue

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